ODBC Database Manual Setup
  • 13 Jan 2025
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ODBC Database Manual Setup

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Résumé de l’article

The dpdbadmin addschema command is used to create all required tables in an existing database, if they are not already there. Each table will be checked individually to see if it is already there and if not, will be added.

The command can be run manually by an administrator before OneSpan Authentication Server is configured. Alternatively, the schema extension can also be done via the Configuration Wizard. It may be necessary to go through an approval process in your company before running this command.

You may also need to have a database administrator run the command for you. This depends on your company’s structure and rules for control of the database.

dpdbadmin only retrieves tables that are owned by the calling user. For this reason, you need to use either the table owner user to call dpdbadmin, or use consistently the same user for database schema creation, update, and/or validation.

This command may also be used to create the tables required for auditing to an ODBC database. A data store schema extension requires the following:

Database name

You will need the data source name of the database (as registered with Windows or Linux as an ODBC data source). This DSN must be registered on the computer from which the command line utility will be run.

Database administrator account

In order to successfully modify the database structure, you will need the username and password of a database administrator account that is able to make changes to the database structure. You must pass these credentials to the utility in the parameters of the command.

In this case, the Database Administrator Account must have permissions to create tables.

Master domain name

You can specify the name of the master domain when you add the database schema, or later via the Maintenance Wizard.

For more information about master domains, see Master domain.

User ID/domain name conversion

You can specify the Case Conversion option for user IDs and domain names (see User ID and domain name conversion) when you add the database schema. Alternatively, you can change it via the Maintenance Wizard.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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