OneSpan Authentication Server administration components
  • 10 Jan 2025
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OneSpan Authentication Server administration components

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Résumé de l’article

OneSpan Authentication Serverincludes several administration components. These components are used for a wide range of tasks, including (but not limited to) auditing, configuration, and reporting.

Administration Web Interface

The Administration Web Interface is a web-based administration application. The homepage of the Administration Web Interface provides quick links to managing the authenticator and user settings, and provides information about the OneSpan Authentication Server status. This information includes the time, date, and location (i.e. the IP address) of the last successful administrative logon of the administrator currently logged in.

The Administration Web Interface is used to complete most of the administration tasks in the OneSpan Authentication Server environment.

These tasks include:

  • Managing user accounts and authenticators
  • Defining the organizational structure
  • Managing policies
  • Creating and running reports
  • Managing client component records
  • Configuring OneSpan Authentication Server settings

Audit system

The OneSpan Authentication Server audit system tracks operations performed by OneSpan Authentication Server, including RADIUS accounting information where required. Each operation generates audit messages that are written to either a text file or a database.

Audit information can be used to generate reports, for example, the number of failed authentications over a certain period. OneSpan Authentication Server administrators can use audit information to monitor system performance, or suspicious activity.

OneSpan Authentication Server includes an Audit Viewer application, which is used to view audit information from different sources. Using the Audit Viewer application to view audit information helps system administrators to effectively troubleshoot issues and monitor significant events in the system. This utility allows you to filter audit information, making it easier to understand.

Reporting module

The reporting module is part of the Administration Web Interface package. This module is required to run a set of standard reports and to create and run custom reports.

Reports can be based on audit data, user account data, or authenticator data. Formatting templates (XSLT) can be used to convert the output into the preferred format.

Tcl Command-Line Administration tool

OneSpan Authentication Server also includes a Tcl extension, which is used for command-line administration tasks. This extension enables Tool Command Language (Tcl) scripting, which can be used to automate regular administration tasks or to perform them in bulk. OneSpan Authentication Server provides a standalone Tcl interpreter to allow Tcl command-line administration without an existing Tcl environment.

The Tcl extension uses OneSpan Authentication Server to manage the data store. It uses the SEAL protocol to communicate with OneSpan Authentication Server.

OneSpan Authentication Server Configuration Utility

OneSpan Authentication Server uses a local XML file to store certain configuration settings. These settings can be managed using a graphical user interface program, i.e. the OneSpan Authentication Server Configuration Utility.

OneSpan Authentication Server Maintenance Wizard

OneSpan Authentication Server includes the OneSpan Authentication Server Maintenance Wizard to perform certain maintenance tasks, e.g. changing the IP address of the server.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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