OneSpan Authentication Server Command-Line Options
  • 08 Jan 2025
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OneSpan Authentication Server Command-Line Options

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Résumé de l’article

The OneSpan Authentication Server service/daemon is started via a single executable file named ikeyserver.exe (Windows) or ikeyserver (Linux). This command is rarely executed by the administrator as it is automatically executed when the server on which has been installed is started up. The OneSpan Authentication Server is started via an operating system specific framework used to start and stop services (Windows) or daemons (Linux).

Command-line options can be used to override the configuration file and run with a custom configuration file.

Windows Service Control Manager

Under Windows the VASCO IDENTIKEY Authentication Server service is started using the Windows Service Control Manager (SCM). The SCM allows services to be started, stopped, and paused. The SCM also allows the passing of command line parameters. The SCM is accessed via the services icon on the control panel. Command-line parameters may be passed to the service by double-clicking on the service in the services window and then entering the parameters in the Start Parameters field under the General tab.

Linux runtime configuration

Under Linux OneSpan Authentication Server is started as a daemon by the invocation of a Linux shell script that is run automatically as part of the Linux runtime configuration framework. All runtime configuration scripts allow daemons to be started, stopped and paused. Command-line parameters may be specified by modifying the runtime configuration script for the intended daemon.

ikserver (Service)


ikserver [OPTION]...

Command-line options

Table: ikserver command-line options
‑c, ‑‑configconfig_filename

Optional. Use config_filename instead of the default OneSpan Authentication Server configuration file.

The Configuration Utility will only modify the default configuration file. If the OneSpan Authentication Server server/daemon is started using an alternative configuration file, its configuration settings can only be altered by editing the file in a text editor.

‑d, ‑‑debug Run in debug mode.
‑h, ‑‑help Show help and usage information.

Additional considerations

  • To run with command-line options on Windows, the service will have to be run in debug mode. This allows the executable to be run from the Windows command line. To run in debug mode, pass the command line parameter -d to the Windows service (see  Windows Service Control Manager).
  • Under Linux it is not mandatory that the daemon is run in debug mode when it is invoked from the command line.

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