Version 3.27 (Upcoming 2025)
  • 03 Mar 2025
  • 18 Minutes à lire
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Version 3.27 (Upcoming 2025)

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Release information

Supported operating systems

OneSpan Authentication Server 3.27 supports the following operating systems:

Microsoft Windows

  • Windows Server 2022
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2016


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9, 64-bit
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8, 64-bit
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7, 64-bit (version 7.9)
  • Rocky Linux 9, 64-bit
  • Rocky Linux 8, 64-bit
  • Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS, 64-bit
  • Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS, 64-bit
  • Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS, 64-bit

Supported ODBC databases

  • MariaDB 10.11.5 (included as embedded database)

    If you install the embedded MariaDB database, the DBeaver 23.3.0 database tool is also installed.

    OneSpan Authentication Server is fully compatible with data-at-rest encryption as provided by MariaDB.

  • Oracle Database 19c

    OneSpan Authentication Server is fully compatible with Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) as provided by Oracle Database to protect data at rest (tablespace encryption).

  • Microsoft SQL Server

    • Microsoft SQL Server 2022
    • Microsoft SQL Server 2019
    • Microsoft SQL Server 2017
    • Microsoft SQL Server 2016

    OneSpan Authentication Server supports the SQLServer AlwaysOn Availability Groups feature for Microsoft SQL Server versions 2022, 2019, 2017, and 2016.

    OneSpan Authentication Server is fully compatible with Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) as provided by Microsoft SQL Server to protect data at rest.

    OneSpan Authentication Server supports the following ODBC drivers:

    • Microsoft ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server
    • Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server
    • Microsoft ODBC Driver 13.1 for SQL Server

Supported browsers (Administration Web Interface)

The Administration Web Interface supports the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge

The Administration Web Interface supports all browser versions currently supported by the respective vendors.

Supported web servers (Administration Web Interface)

The Administration Web Interface can be run on these web application servers (based on the respective JRE):

  • Apache Tomcat 10.1–10.1.34 (included)

    • Oracle Server Java Runtime Environment 17
    • Azul Zulu 17 (included)
  • Open Liberty (tested with
  • WebSphere Liberty (tested with

The OneSpan Authentication Server product CD contains a version of Web Administration Service adapted for Open Liberty and WebSphere Liberty for manual deployment.

Other new third-party products

Software libraries

The software library lists are not exhaustive, but include the most notable and critical updates only. For a complete overview, refer to the third-party dependency files included with the installed product.

OneSpan Authentication Server now includes the following (updated) third-party libraries:

Administration Web Interface now includes the following (updated) third-party libraries:

OneSpan authentication platform

OneSpan Authentication Server 3.27 integrates and uses Authentication Suite Server SDK 4.0.1 (formerly OneSpan Authentication Server Framework).

This version is a major upgrade and introduces breaking changes. Once BLOB data is processed by this version, it cannot be processed by any earlier version anymore.

Upgrade path

OneSpan Authentication Server supports direct upgrades from 3.24 or 3.26 to version 3.27 on the supported operating systems.

OneSpan Authentication Server – Supported upgrade paths

Figure:  OneSpan Authentication Server – Supported upgrade paths

Table:  Supported systems
 OneSpan Authentication Server
Operating systems
Windows 2022  
Windows 2019
Windows 2016
Windows 2012 R2   
Windows 2012   
CentOS 7  
CentOS 6     
RHEL 9    
RHEL 6     
Rocky Linux 9    
Rocky Linux 8    
Ubuntu 22.04    
Ubuntu 20.04 
Ubuntu 18.04
Ubuntu 16.04     
Database management systems
MariaDB 10
Oracle DB 19c
Oracle DB 18c   
Oracle DB 12c   
SQL Server 2022[1]    
SQL Server 2019[1]
SQL Server 2017[1]
SQL Server 2016[1]
SQL Server 2014[1]  
SQL Server 2012[1]   
  1. Windows only

New features and enhancements

Bulk cleanup of unused authenticator instances (Web Administration Service)

The Administration Web Interface now provides a new Bulk Cleanup DIGIPASS Instances. wizard to delete all unused authenticators instances based on certain search criteria. This allows you to clean up and purge unused authenticator data regularly in bulk to maintain clarity and avoid performance degradation issues.

An authenticator instance is considered unused if another authenticator instance for the same authenticator license exists, which uses the same DIGIPASS Push Notification Identifier (PNID) but has a higher sequence number.

The command schedules a server task that processes the authenticator instances in the specified search range. Administrators need the new Bulk Cleanup DIGIPASS Data privilege to use the new command.

Improved HTTP parameter configuration for SMS gateways (Message Delivery Component)

The message parameter configuration and handling of HTTP gateways for SMS has been improved in Message Delivery Component (MDC):

  • Custom HTTP header fields. MDC now allows you to add custom HTTP header fields to requests that are sent to SMS gateways.
  • Improved request parameter configuration. The MDC Configuration Utility now allows you to configure the request parameters more conveniently. You can now specify HTTP header fields, query string parameters, and body request parameters in separate key–value pair lists.
  • JSON structures. You can now set the content type encoding of the message data sent to the gateway. Depending on the requirements of the SMS gateway, you can set it either to use plain text (as before) or JSON. The response handling was improved to support response matching rules using valid JSON structures.

Limit concurrent administrative sessions per user

You can now limit the maximum number of interactive administrative sessions allowed to run at one time per user. This option supplements the existing global limit of concurrent interactive sessions. The limit applies to all interactive administrative sessions, e.g. Administration Web Interface and Tcl Command-Line Administration tool, it does not apply to non-interactive service user sessions.

Furthermore, you can also specify what should happen when a new session is initiated but the number of concurrent sessions of a user exceeds the limit (either invalidate the oldest session or deny the logon).

By default, the session limit per user is disabled.

AES encryption of sensitive configuration data (Web Administration Service)

Sensitive configuration data used by the Administration Web Interface, such as the Java keystore password, is encrypted.

To improve security, the encryption algorithm has been changed, sensitive configuration data is now encrypted using AES-256 by default. If you upgrade an existing deployment, the sensitive configuration values, such as the Java keystore password, stored with the old encryption are retained and can still be read. If you change the values after the upgrade, the new values will automatically be encrypted using AES-256.

Last authentication time shown (Web Administration Service)

The date and time when an authenticator was used the last time for a successful authentication is now displayed in the relevant pages of the Administration Web Interface. Note that it is only set and updated if the authenticator is assigned and used by the respective user.

Generate new certificates for secure auditing after installation

You can now generate a new secure auditing certificate after installation with the Maintenance Wizard.

Note that the secure auditing certificate is used to verify the authenticity of audit messages. If you change the certificate or generate a new one, all existing secure audit entries will be reported as invalid/modified.

To prevent this, we recommend that you purge the audit table before renewing the secure auditing certificate.

Fixes and other updates

Issue OAS-25550: Signature request encoding failure with special characters

Description: An encoding issue with special characters, such as Eastern European characters, used in the message title and data fields was detected, caused by the policy's font table index being ignored. When the client attempts to decrypt the request it fails with an error.

Affects: OneSpan Authentication Server 3.22–3.26

Status: This issue has been fixed.

Issue OAS-25359: Windows group check list size limit too small

Description: If you enable Windows group check, you need to specify a list of the Windows groups to be considered in the policy. This list has a size limit of 1024 characters, which can be too small if you have a lot of Windows groups defined.

Affects: OneSpan Authentication Server 3.22–3.26

Status: The size of the Windows group list has been increased to 4000 characters.

Issues OAS-25060: Restricting allowed authenticators via policy does not work correctly

Description: Some potential issues related to restricting authenticators via policy were detected:

  • The verification against the list of applicable authenticator applications was inaccurate in the sense that authenticator application names could incorrectly be accepted if they evaluate to partial names allowed by the policy. For instance, if the policy allowed VOTP64, an authenticator application named OTP6 would incorrectly be accepted.

    This issue applies to restrictions on authenticator application names and on authenticator types.

  • The tracing message when a policy disallows an authenticator application based on the application name was incorrect.
  • If a response was verified to synchronize the offline authentication data state, the restriction by the policy is not correctly evaluated.

Affects: OneSpan Authentication Server 3.22–3.26

Status: This issue has been fixed.

Issues OAS-24996: Configuration file values get overridden with template values (Upgrade Wizard)

Description: When you perform an upgrade of OneSpan Authentication Server, several elements of the configuration file (identikeyconfig.xml) are reset to their default values, including:

  • /VASCO/Replication/Queue
  • /VASCO/Communicators/SealCommunicator/DPX-Upload-Location
  • /VASCO/Scenarios/ScenarioModule04/Report-Location

Affects: OneSpan Authentication Server 3.22–3.26

Status: This issue has been fixed.

Issue OAS-24864 (Support case CS0170831): High memory usage when running Tcl scripts

Description: When running Tcl scripts with the Tcl Command-Line Administration Tool (dpadmincmd), the memory used is growing excessively. This can lead to an application crash in the worst case, depending on the Tcl script. Affected commands include digipass query, digipass get_info, and sub-commands of user, policy, and component.

Affects: OneSpan Authentication Server 3.22–3.26

Status: This issue has been fixed.

Issues OAS-24701, OAS-12229 (Support cases CS0130603, CS0085259): Cannot import PNID or direct assignment flag values via DIGIPASS import file

Description: When you import MDL authenticator instances from a DIGIPASS import file (*.csv), you cannot specify Push Notification Identifier (PNID) values.

Furthermore, the DirectAssignOnly column is not correctly evaluated and incorrectly set in the database. The respective authenticators cannot be used for auto-assignment, and future data migration from that server instance via DMT can fail.

Affects: OneSpan Authentication Server 3.22–3.26

Status: This issue has been fixed. You can now specify PNID values when you import from a DIGIPASS import file (via DevicePNId). The DirectAssignOnly column is handled correctly.

Issue OAS-24613: Recent activity does not show authenticator instance deletion (Web Administration Service)

Description: When you delete an authenticator license or authenticator instance, the operation is not shown in the recent activity of the user to whom the authenticator is assigned (User Dashboard).

Affects: OneSpan Authentication Server 3.22–3.26

Status: This issue has been fixed.

Issue OAS-24587: Login page SSRF vulnerability (Web Administration Service)

Description: Recently, a server-side request forgery (SSRF) vulnerability has been identified in the login page of the Administration Web Interface, which allows to redirect login requests to a malicious SOAP server returning forged responses.

Although this vulnerability does not allow to bypass authentication or to gain access to a OneSpan Authentication Server instance, it may facilitate other attacks such as cross-site scripting (XSS) or other injection exploits.

Affects: OneSpan Authentication Server 3.22–3.26

Status: This issue has been fixed.

Issue OAS-24430: Invalid DIGIPASS import file creates incorrect entries in database

Description: When you import MDL authenticator licenses from a DIGIPASS import file (*.csv) that contains specific invalid message vector data, the import process may complete but create invalid authenticator parameters in the database (vdsDPSoftParams). As a result, the authenticator license cannot be used to activate authenticator instances afterward.

Affects: OneSpan Authentication Server 3.22–3.26

Status: This issue has been fixed. The data and parameter verification has been improved to prevent invalid authenticator license records.

Issues OAS-23693: Inefficient client connection closing

Description: If a SOAP client component requests to gracefully close an active connection by sending a TCP FIN packet, OneSpan Authentication Server unnecessarily initiates a thread (which effectively doesn't do anything), before actually closing the connection.

Affects: OneSpan Authentication Server 3.22–3.26

Status: The respective SOAP connection handling was improved.

Issue OAS-14640 (Support case CS0099949): MDC Configuration Utility shows incorrect rule sort order (Message Delivery Component)

Description: You can define custom result matching rules in HTTP gateway definitions used for SMS and order them to match more specific gateway response messages first.

In some cases, the sort order shown in the MDC Configuration Utility is different from the order that is stored in the MDC configuration file. This can be confusing, since the result matching rules are effectively evaluated in the order actually stored in the MDC configuration file.

Status: This issue has been fixed.

Issue OAS-9396 (Support case CS0064817): Incorrect authenticator instance number audited

Description: When using multi-device licensing (MDL) authenticators for signature validation and multiple MDL instances exist, in some circumstances, an incorrect authenticator instance number is written to the audit.

Affects: OneSpan Authentication Server 3.22–3.26

Status: This issue has been fixed. For authentication and signature validation using secure channel, the authentication application handling when preparing the respective requests was improved. The data written to the audit log has been unified:

  • If a single authenticator instance exists, the instance number is written to the audit.
  • If multiple authenticator instances exist, the license number is written audit.
  • If multiple authenticator licenses exist and either scan and login or scan and sign is used, a comma-separated list of licenses or instance numbers is written to the audit.

Issue OAS-6088 (Support case CS0043684): Error message when importing users with maker–checker authorization

Description: You cannot import user records from a user import file if maker–checker authorization is enabled for practical reasons (because each imported user would need to be verified by a checker administrator). This is clearly described in the user documentation, but administrators can effectively attempt to import a user import file nonetheless and receive an error message.

Affects: OneSpan Authentication Server 3.22–3.26

Status: This issue has been fixed. You can no longer select USERS > Import if maker–checker authorization (for creating new user accounts) is enabled.

Issue OAS-3456 (Support case CS0020470): Offline activation decodes ineligible authenticators during auto-assignment

Description: When a user performs an authenticator activation and auto-assignment is activated, OneSpan Authentication Server randomly selects an available authenticator to prevent collisions during parallel assignment of authenticators.

During this process, it decodes the authenticator data to find an authenticator that can be assigned. In case of offline activation, OneSpan Authentication Server unnecessarily processes authenticators that are not applicable for offline activation at all, such as hardware authenticators.

In environments where a lot of hardware authenticators exist in the database, the hardware authenticators are processed before applicable authenticators (MDL) are. This can lead to high server load and higher response times in general.

Status: This issue has been fixed.

Deprecated components and features

EMV-CAP support (Disabled)

EMV-CAP is no longer supported, and its functionality has been removed. If you attempt to use EMV-CAP smart card readers or other EMV-CAP functionality, you will receive an EMV not supported error.

Any remaining references to EMV-CAP in the code base, UI, and documentation will be removed in a future release of OneSpan Authentication Server (currently planned for 3.28).

PDF documentation (Deprecated)

You can view the user documentation of most OneSpan products online already at, and we plan to shift exclusively to online documentation.

This means that PDF documentation will be completely removed in future major releases of OneSpan Authentication Server (currently planned for 3.28).

Future platform support changes

This section summarizes planned and upcoming changes of supported platforms and other third-party products that will become effective in future versions. You are highly encouraged to plan and modify your deployments accordingly to allow future upgrades.

Version 3.28 (currently planned)

OneSpan Authentication Server 3.28 will no longer support the following products:

Operating systems

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7, 64-bit
  • Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS, 64-bit
  • Windows Server 2016

Known issues

Issue OAS-9159 (Support case CS0057804): Usability issues when two reports are started at the same time (Reporting)

Description: When two reports are started at the same time, e.g. with two different browsers, a (nonfunctional) download link for the second report will be available before the report task has even started. The corresponding report results cannot be accessed.

Affects: OneSpan Authentication Server 3.19 and later

Status: No fix available. To avoid this issue, do not run multiple reports at the same time.

Issue OAS‑7856: Unable to install an ODBC deployment after uninstalling an AD deployment (Setup)

Description: When you uninstall an AD deployment of OneSpan Authentication Server and attempt to reinstall an ODBC deployment afterward, the setup behaves like an AD deployment and will fail in the last step.

Affects: OneSpan Authentication Server 3.18 and later (on Microsoft Windows)

Status: No fix available. Delete any leftover folders and files from the previous OneSpan Authentication Server deployment before you reinstall.

Issue OAS‑7855 (Support cases CS0115168, CS0108075): Leftover registry subtree when uninstalling the embedded database (Setup)

Description: When you uninstall the embedded MariaDB database on Microsoft Windows 2016, the MariaDB setup leaves a registry subtree behind. Since the OneSpan Authentication Server Setup Utility uses that registry subtree to detect an existing MariaDB deployment, it will incorrectly indicate an external installation of MariaDB if you attempt to reinstall OneSpan Authentication Server afterward.

Affects: OneSpan Authentication Server 3.19 and later on Windows Server 2016

Status: No fix available. Delete the following registry subtree manually after you uninstalled the embedded MariaDB database:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\MariaDB 10.6 (x64)]

Issue OAS-5605 (Support cases CS0039109, CS0046614): Issues with Chinese characters in XML and PDF reports (Web Administration Service)

Description: Chinese characters are not correctly displayed in XML and PDF reports.

Affects: OneSpan Authentication Server 3.12 and later

Status: This issue has been fixed for XML reports in OneSpan Authentication Server 3.21. The issue can still occur in PDF reports in case they contain characters that are not defined in the used PDF font. Workaround for PDF reports: Generate an HTML report and print it to PDF.

Issue OAS-4163 (Support case CS0030058): Cannot assign multiple authenticators to a single user in one step (Web Administration Service)

Description: The Assign DIGIPASS wizard allows you to assign authenticators to users. Although you can select multiple authenticators and multiple users, you can only assign exactly one authenticator to one user at a time. For instance, if you select two authenticators in the wizard, you need to specify two different user accounts, one user to assign each one authenticator.

Affects: OneSpan Authentication Server 3.21 and later

Status: No fix available. To assign additional authenticators to a user, you need to run the Assign DIGIPASS wizard again.

Issue OAS-3761 (Support case CS0024326): Inaccessible authenticators proposed for manual assignment (Web Administration Service)

Description: The Assign DIGIPASS wizard allows you to explicitly select the authenticators to assign to multiple users (by selecting Search now to select DIGIPASS to assign in the Search DIGIPASS page). However, the Select DIGIPASS page may also show authenticators that are actually inaccessible to assign to the respective users, because they are in another domain than the users. If you select such an authenticator and continue, you will receive a "Failed to find available token for assignment." error.

This issue does not occur if you only select one user to assign an authenticator. In this case, the Select DIGIPASS page correctly shows only authenticators in the same domain as the user account.

Affects: OneSpan Authentication Server 3.21 and later

Status: No fix available. Ensure to explicitly select only authenticators that are in the same domain as the users you selected to assign an authenticator.

Issue OAS-3455 (Support case CS0021350): Audit Viewer shows incorrect error message when loading a text audit file

Description: When you open a text audit file in Audit Viewer, the application loads and processes the complete text audit file in batches that are continuously added to the audit message list. Each batch takes a while to process, but there is no indication whether loading the complete audit file has been finished yet.

If you deselect and select the Auto Scroll Down box, while the file is still being processed, you may receive a "No more new messages to display" error message.

Affects: OneSpan Authentication Server 3.22 and later

Status: No fix or workaround available.

Issue 83511: HSM driver must be manually configured on Linux

Description: When integrating a hardware security module (HSM) with OneSpan Authentication Server, you will need to configure the HSM driver before you install OneSpan Authentication Server. On all Linux distributions using the UNIX System V operating system, the HSM driver must be configured for communication with OneSpan Authentication Server because the script created upon driver installation does not automatically start the system service.

Affects: OneSpan Authentication Server 3.6 and later

Status: No fix available. Workaround: replace the init.d file created during driver installation with the system.d file in the corresponding link. Refer to the OneSpan Authentication Server Installation Guide for Linux for detailed instructions.

Issue 58722: Mobile Authenticator Studio timeshift no longer supported

Description: When the Timeshift feature of Mobile Authenticator Studio is used, it causes the offline data to become invalid. The option to set a timeshift for Mobile Authenticator Studio authenticators is no longer supported. This feature is outdated and has become obsolete because mobile devices are now correctly synchronized with OneSpan Authentication Server at shorter intervals.

Affects: OneSpan Authentication Server 3.6 and later

Status: Do not use the Mobile Authenticator Studio Timeshift feature to avoid the offline data to become invalid.

Issue 48452 (Support case PS-144964): Multiple authentication and accounting ports on OneSpan Authentication Server (RADIUS communicator)

Description: OneSpan Authentication Server allows for the configuration of two RADIUS authentication ports and two RADIUS accounting ports. By default, one authentication and one accounting port is specified, the second ports can only be edited in the configuration file of OneSpan Authentication Server , not directly in the Administration Web Interface.

Affects: OneSpan Authentication Server 3.5 and later

Status: If a second authentication and/or a second accounting port for the RADIUS Communicator will be used, the port specifications need to be edited in the identikeyconfig.xml file.

Issue 46294 (Support case PS-141029): SafeNet HSM mode setup causes installation failure (OneSpan Authentication Server Setup)

Description: Deployments of OneSpan Authentication Server with Thales ProtectServer HSM only support HSMs that run in Normal mode. If the HSM is run in High Availability or Workload Distribution mode, the installation of OneSpan Authentication Server fails.

Affects: OneSpan Authentication Server 3.6 and later

Status: The Thales ProtectServer HSM must be run in Normal mode, i.e. ET_PTKC_GENERAL_LIBRARY_MODE must be set to NORMAL.

Issue 42477: OneSpan Authentication Server SNMP agent persistent data storage (OneSpan Authentication Server Linux installation script)

Description: The OneSpan Authentication Server SNMP agent cannot store its persistent data (e.g. EngineBoots, EngineID), as the default persistent directory is not created by the installation script. By default, the SNMP agent stores its persistent data in the /var/net-snmp directory.

Affects: OneSpan Authentication Server on Ubuntu Server with the vasco-netsnmp package installed.

Status: A /var/net-snmp directory must be created and the vasco-ias user must have write access to this directory. If this directory does not exist and/or the vasco-ias user does not have write access to it, the EngineID and related information used by the OneSpan Authentication Server SNMP agent will not be persistent. This may result in issues on the machine that receives SNMP TRAPv3 traps from OneSpan Authentication Server.

Issue 41616: Self-signed certificates created by Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) cannot be used (Message Delivery Component (MDC))

Description: When trying to configure email delivery with SSL/TLS using a self-signed certificate created using Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) and converted to PEM format using OpenSSL, MDC cannot recognize a valid self-signed certificate and displays an error message. This is caused by the OpenSSL library. In some circumstances, the OpenSSL application itself may display an "Unable to get local issuer certificate (20)" error message.

Affects: All platforms.

Status: No fix available. This is a compatibility issue between OpenSSL and Microsoft IIS. Do not use self-signed certificates generated using Microsoft IIS.

Issue 25333: Undefined TEMP path not supported

Description: A Windows installation will fail if the TEMP environmental variable is undefined or empty.

Affects: All Windows platforms.

Status: No fix available.

Cet article vous a-t-il été utile ?

Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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