  • 26 Dec 2024
  • 1 Minute à lire
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  • Sombre
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Résumé de l’article

OneSpan App Shielding Secure Application ROM (SAROM) provides the ability to encrypt data in a published app in a secure manner.

With the SAROM API, an app can dynamically retrieve data which is encrypted by the Shielding Tool during shielding. All data stored using this feature will be encrypted according to the latest standards and recommendations.

The data is encrypted during shielding using symmetric keys, and decrypted at application runtime on demand using the same symmetric keys.

The symmetric encryption keys are generated during shielding, and derived by the SAROM functionality upon decryption of the data.

The encryption keys are derived from a combination of

  • customer-specific SAROM seed in App Shielding and the Shielding Tool

  • customer-specified token

  • data ID (the key of the key-value data to be stored)

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