Android integration
  • 26 Dec 2024
  • 1 Minute à lire
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Android integration

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Résumé de l’article

The Android integration of Secure App ROM uses special assets files as the encrypted key value-store.

  • The special SAROM folder is assets/sarom/. All files in this folder will be encrypted by the Shielding Tool and need to be accessed through the class SecureAppRom.

  • The key is the file path relative to assets/sarom/.
    For example: to access the content of the file assets/sarom/secret/Text you pass the key secret/Text to Any file name that is allowed by Android is allowed here.

  • The value is the content of the file.

The Shielding Tool encrypts the files in assets/sarom/ and moves them to assets/ with a file name that is a hash of the key (plus some seed).

The class SecureAppRom provides the content of the assets/sarom/ files also before shielding the app. That allows testing the app without shielding. However in that case the content of the assets/sarom/ files are not encrypted or renamed.

To use this feature, you must add the ShieldSDK-secure-app-rom Maven dependency to your project. This can be found in the directory path-to-package/SDK/maven/. For full details on importing the App Shielding libraries as Maven packages, see the OneSpan App Shielding for Android Reference Documentation.pdf document that is part of the product package.

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