Release 25.R1
  • 04 Mar 2025
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Release 25.R1

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SaaS 2025-January: Release 25.R1

Changed Behavior

Here are some of the changes in behavior that you might want to be aware of.

  • Signers who are also account senders, will now join in-person signing sessions as signer and not as a host: When a Signer, who is also a Sender of the account, accesses an in-person signing session from an email invitation, they will do so as a signer and not as a host. This will happen even if the "Allow account senders to host in-person esigning transactions" feature is enabled for the account. The current behavior will remain unchanged when the Signer is the transaction owner, meaning that Senders will still be able host the transaction if they are the ones to initiate it from the Sender UI. (refs PB-109998)

  • As of 25.R1, if Roles and Permissions has been enabled for a user, then in order to use our APIs that user must also have the API Access Role permission enabled. (refs PB-109595)

Upcoming Changes

Here are some of the new features, changes and enhancements that we will be introducing in an upcoming release.

  • For security reasons we will no longer allow Signers to use HTML code in the Reason field when declining a transaction. (refs PB-108289)

  • Similarly, we will no longer allow Senders to enter HTML code in the Message to all recipients and Personal Message fields of a transaction. However, this can be enabled by contacting our Support Team. (refs PB-108287)

  • A brand-new introductory walk-through! We will be introducing an enhanced product walkthrough for new users. With this improved walkthrough new users will be able to follow a step-by-step guide to creating, preparing, and sending their first transaction. (refs PB-111389)

What's New

Here are some of the new features and enhancements we have made for this release.


BETA - Ad hoc groups can now be created: Ad hoc groups are useful for when you would like to create a group, but for a single transaction only. For more information, see Ad Hoc Groups. (refs PB-108433)

This feature is currently in BETA and only available for Sandbox environments.

Ad Hoc Groups

BETA - A Transaction Analytics Dashboard is now available: Administrators can now use our intuitive transaction dashboard to analyze transaction performance. (refs PB-108163)

This feature is currently in BETA and only available for US Sandbox environments.

This dashboard provides the following:

  • An overall view of transaction performance

  • Transaction trends

  • Transaction status by sender or transaction

Transaction analytics

Also note the following:

  • This feature is only available for users with Admin or Manager roles, or users with the Reports permission enabled for them.

  • To enable this feature you must contact our Support Team.

  • Data is currently restricted to transactions that were NOT purged or deleted in 2024. For transactions created in 2025 and onwards, all transaction data will be available.

A new data retention disclaimer has been added: We have added a disclaimer to the Data Retention page to clarify the precedence rules for data deletion. To summarize, if the Total Transaction Lifetime limit is shorter than any other Data Retention limit, the Total Transaction Lifetime limit will take precedence and delete the transaction once it reaches the set limit. Note that this disclaimer is for informational purposes only - no changes have been made to the way data retention works.  (refs PB-113365)


Early Access to FIDO Passkeys for Signers: When accessing a transaction requiring their signatures, signers can now add Passkeys to authenticate themselves. Passkeys are a modern, secure way to log into transactions without using traditional methods, such as Q&A, SMS, and standard passwords. In the passkey system, a cryptographic key pair is utilized: one private key is kept on the user's device, while the corresponding public key is stored on the server of a website. The private key remains confidential, thereby minimizing the chances of phishing attacks or credential compromise.

To get early access to this feature please get in touch with your customer success manager or contact our Support Team. We are looking forward to hearing your feedback!

This feature is not available in FedRAMP environments.

For more information, see Using Passkeys. (refs DAG-26)


Improved Microsoft OAuth2 authentication: When using a custom SMTP server as an Alternate Way of Sending Emails, we now support both Microsoft OAuth2 client credential workflows, as well as the already supported password workflows.

To enable this feature, contact our Support Team. During this support call you will be required to make several Microsoft Azure configurations. Please ensure that you have the required permissions to do this.

Workflow Integrations

  • Signing order now possible in OneSpan Sign for Salesforce: It is now possible to define a signing order for contacts in an opportunity. (refs PB-110950)

  • New OneSpan Sign for Salesforce Authentication options: OneSpan Sign for Salesforce users can now add an authentication method (SMS, IDV, None) for signers in an opportunity. (refs PB-110951)

  • You can now predefine a naming convention for transaction downloads on integrated applications: You can now set a naming convention for the zip file that is generated when downloading a transaction. This will make it easier for you to find the transaction at a later date, or to adhere to particular naming convention. The following naming conventions can be used (refs DAG-29):

    • Transaction ID

    • Transaction Name

    • Signer name

To enable this feature and set a naming convention, contact our Support Team.

Bug Fixes

The following issues were resolved in this release:


  • We have fixed an issue where links in the Signer Experience did not have any role information, which may have prevented screen readers from knowing that these controls may navigate to a new page.  (refs PB-112656)


  • Some users reported receiving their daily transaction report in triplicate. This no longer happens. (refs PB-112250)


  • The dates returned by the GET packages and GET packages/packageId calls now match. (refs PB-109475)


  • The Evidence Summary now displays IDV supplemental information using the signing order from the Audit Trail. (refs PB-102951)

  • For ID verification, we have improved the error message that is used for unsupported documents. (refs PB-108425)


  • When working with larger documents, or with complex documents (documents with a lot of text and images), significant lag would sometimes occur in the Designer. This would occur when attempting to add, move, or resize signature boxes. This no longer occurs. (refs PB-110010)

  • On larger documents the scrollbar slider in the Designer was too narrow, which made it difficult to scroll. The scrollbar now increases in size when hovered over. (refs PB-110633)

  • We have corrected the Dutch translation of the term Radio Group. The original translation incorrectly read Radio Button. (refs PB-102951)

  • We have fixed an issue where delegate emails were not being sent out if one of the delegate's email addresses had been blacklisted. (refs PB-111513)

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