Other Troubleshooting Options
  • 18 Nov 2024
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Other Troubleshooting Options

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If the problems persist after checking that all installation and configuration settings for Digipass Authentication for Remote Desktop Web Access are correct, follow these steps to check for other possible problems.

Possible causes and solutions

Other troubleshooting options lists possible problems and their solutions.



Application pools: The Digipass Authentication Module stops working properly.

Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and make sure the corresponding application pool is started. Restarting the server does not restart the application pool.

The following error message is likely to result from a stopped application pool: “HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.”

No trace file: There is no trace file, or no new entries are written to the file.

Check the Windows events for any warnings or errors generated by a failure to load the Digipass Authentication Module into IIS. For information about how to view trace file information, see To view trace file information.

Authentication server: The Digipass Authentication Module appears to load and update but you are unable to successfully log on.

Check the authentication server. Open the Audit Viewer to:

  • Check available audit messages in the audit files or database.

  • Configure a live audit connection from the authentication server and retry a logon.

  • For more information, refer to the authentication server's product documentation.

Web browser: You experience logon problems that occur in Windows Internet Explorer only. Logon is possible in other web browsers.

You may need to delete the IE browser history, the corresponding cookies, and temporary files.

Error messages when logging in (ActiveX)

Depending on the web browser settings, users  may not be allowed to download and install ActiveX controls. If the Digipass Authentication for Remote Desktop Web Access ActiveX for single sign-on is blocked for whatever reason, authentication to Remote Desktop Web Access will be successful, but users will not be able to access the Remote Desktop Web Access website. Instead, a Windows error message from the website is displayed which prompts the user to check their ActiveX settings.

Users need to make sure their web browser settings allow download and installation of ActiveX components.

Licensing errors

Check that Digipass Authentication for Remote Desktop Web Access has a valid client component record with a valid license in the authentication server data store. Make sure the configured local IP address corresponds to the client component record. For more information about licensing options, refer to the authentication server's product documentation.

To view trace file information

  1. Set Digipass Authentication for Remote Desktop Web Access to tracing.

  2. Attempt to log on.

  3. Check the trace file for information on the start-up conditions of Digipass Authentication for Remote Desktop Web Access and of the logon attempt.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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