Overview of Mobile Authenticator Studio features
  • 19 Oct 2024
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Overview of Mobile Authenticator Studio features

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Résumé de l’article

Mobile Authenticator Studio features provides an overview of the Mobile Authenticator Studio features.

Mobile Authenticator Studio features



Transaction signing

Digital signature generation can be time-based, event-based, or time- and event-based.

Biometric protection

On mobile devices with a biometric sensor (Touch ID or Face ID on iOS, fingerprint sensor on Android), users can protect their activated authenticator using biometric protection.

Secure Channel

(multi-device licensing)

One-way channel to encrypt the communication between the server and the authenticator account with a randomly generated symmetric key, the payload key.

Push Notification (multi-device licensing)

The Mobile Authenticator Studio app can receive push notifications that inform the user about pending transactions.

This feature is available only for Android and iOS.

Manual offline activation

The app can be activated in offline mode based on data entered by the user.

QR code activation

The app can be activated with a QR code that contains the activation data. QR code activation uses the same data as offline activation.


Mobile Authenticator Studio can be activated on another device, or a second time on the same device, e.g. if the original device is lost or the app is uninstalled.

App-to-App Secure Channel Communication (multi-device licensing)

The Mobile Authenticator Studio app can receive a secure channel message from a third-party application or web page, display the message content, sign it, and invoke the third-party application or web page with the message signature.

Multi-language support

The Mobile Authenticator Studio app can be displayed in multiple languages.

Android adaptive icons

This feature enables the icons used in Mobile Authenticator Studio to be compatible with various Android devices.


You can provide online and offline help in the Mobile Authenticator Studio app.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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