Performance Monitoring
  • 02 Jan 2025
  • 1 Minute à lire
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Performance Monitoring

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Résumé de l’article

Performance monitoring allows you to monitor specific parts of OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance processing to get performance statistics. It can be enabled and managed using the OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance Configuration Tool.

OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance uses filters to define what to monitor. The different supported plug-ins are used to control how to deliver that data. Filters are applied to all possible output plug-ins.


Performance monitoring uses filters to determine which specific parts of OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance processing should be monitored.

A filter contains the name of a performance transaction. You can specify a single performance transaction, or you can use an asterisk '*' as wildcard character to identify a group of transactions.

The position of the asterisk determines what performance transactions will be filtered. For example:

  • *administration.logon. If you place the asterisk at the beginning, all performance transactions that end with administration.logon will be monitored.
  • *administration*. If you place an asterisk at the beginning and the end, everything related to administration will be monitored.
  • identikey.scenario.signature*. If you place the asterisk at the end, all performance transactions starting with identikey.scenario.signature will be monitored.
  • identikey*logon. If you place the asterisk in the middle, all performance transactions starting with identikey and ending with logon will be monitored.

For a complete list of available performance transactions, refer to the OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance Administrator Reference.


Performance monitoring uses several plug-ins to define its output.

CSV plug-in

The CSV plug-in allows you to define a comma-separated file (CSV) to write the results to. To enable the CSV plug-in, click Enable CSV Plugin in the Performance Monitoring tab.

Counter plug-in

To enable the counter plug-in, click Enable Counter Plugin in the Performance Monitoring tab.

The Counter plug-in generates data relating to the number of times certain transactions have been performed, and relevant timing information for those transactions. The SNMP server on which the Counter plug-in enters the data is the one running on OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance.

The counter data can be viewed using SNMP.

For the Counter plug-in to work, you need to enable SNMP .

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