Personal, environmental, and OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance safety
  • 27 Dec 2024
  • 1 Minute à lire
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Personal, environmental, and OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance safety

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Résumé de l’article

  • To avoid back injuries. When lifting the OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance device, avoid injuries to your back by using your leg muscles. Keep your back straight and bend your knees when lifting the device.
  • To protect the environment. Producing the OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance device involves the extraction and use of natural resources. The product may contain substances that are hazardous for human health and the environment. To reduce the risk of any hazardous substances being released into the environment and to reduce the depletion of natural resources, we encourage you to use appropriate recycling systems. Such systems reuse or recycle most end-of-life materials in a safe way. The 'crossed-bin symbol' invites you to use such systems.

    Further information about collection, reuse, and recycling is available from your local or regional refuse administration center.

    For more information about OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance and the environment, contact your supplier.

  • To avoid dropping the OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance. Always hold the appliance firmly by its main casing. Do not lift the device by the silver colored 'D' shapes at the front of the appliance. These are the chassis handles and are only intended to slide the OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance device in and out of the chassis rails.

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