Powering on OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance
  • 27 Dec 2024
  • 1 Minute à lire
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Powering on OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance

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Résumé de l’article

OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance connection ports

Figure:  OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance connection ports

To connect and power on the OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance device

  1. Connect the OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance device using an appropriate network cable to the network's hub or switch.

    OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance is delivered with two Ethernet interfaces (see Figure: OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance connection ports).

  2. Power on the device by connecting the appliance via the power cable to a power supply. The AG-9XXX models have two power units, each with a separate power cable. These power cables need to be connected to separate power circuits. The second (redundant) supply provides backup power in case the fuse for the supplying power circuit fails.
  3. The two lights on the front of OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance indicate that the device is connected and operational.

    Verify that the lights are on. If not, verify the following:

    • The network cable is in good working order.
    • The network cable is correctly plugged into one of the Ethernet ports.
    • The network cable is correctly plugged in to your network hub or switch.

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