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The prerequisites for the SDK depend on the integration type and level of SDK usage (see SDK integration requirements).
SDK integration requirements
Integration type
Run samples/sample website
Modify samples/Create own solution
Client integration (Java)
Web server and servlet container supporting Java Servlet specification 3.1.0 and JavaServer Pages specification (JSP) 2.3, i.e. JavaEE 7 web profile-compliant.
Example: Apache Tomcat 8.5.60
Java IDE of your choice
Example: NetBeans or Eclipse with JDK integrated
Client integration (ASP.NET)
Internet Information Services (IIS) 10 with ASP.NET support enabled.
Microsoft Visual Studio
Client integration (SOAP)
Generic SOAP client
Example: SoapUI
SOAP library of your choice that you integrate into your client applications.
Example: gSOAP
Back-end integration (Plug-in engine)
OneSpan Authentication Server 3.27
A C compiler of your choice,capable of generating a dynamic-link library (.dll) or shared object library (.so) file, depending on the selected platform.
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