preventSystemScreenshotBlurStrength [OBSOLETE]
  • 24 Dec 2024
  • 1 Minute à lire
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preventSystemScreenshotBlurStrength [OBSOLETE]

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Résumé de l’article

This option is obsolete and has been removed. The Shielding Tool throws an error if you try to use this option.

Determines whether the screenshot replacement graphics show a blurred representation of the window. A positive value enables this feature. Higher values result in stronger blurring. A value of 10 is already quite strong. If both, preventSystemScreenshotBlurStrength and preventSystemScreenshotImagePath are set, only the option preventSystemScreenshotBlurStrength will have an effect. If the blurring fails for any reason, the screenshot replacement will fall back to use an specified image instead.

This does not necessarily prevent an attacker from recovering the blurred information. Depending on the nature of the data and the strength of the blur filter, this may not even be particularly hard. However, if a proper strength is chosen, this may be sufficient to hide the information from accidental revelation to people who just happen to see the screen.

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