Appendix: Geolocation
  • 23 Oct 2024
  • 1 Minute à lire
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Appendix: Geolocation

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Résumé de l’article

Mobile Authenticator Studio relies on the geolocation service provided by the platform that runs it. It uses the locating system that is best received at a given point of time. The available systems are: GPS, WiPS/WFPS, or GSM.

Mobile Authenticator Studio retrieves the device location according to either the exact, expected position, or to the nearest accuracy available. The expected accuracy is defined in the Mobile Authenticator Studio configuration file.

The location is provided at the nearest accuracy available if the device is not able to provide a location that matches the exact position within a given period of time. The timeout is defined in the Mobile Authenticator Studio configuration file.

Geolocation - example of authorized areas, West Coast of the United States

Once the location has been retrieved, Mobile Authenticator Studio compares the current location of the device with a list of pre-configured authorized areas. These areas are rectangles whose position is defined by minimum and maximum latitudes and/or longitudes. Both the number of authorized areas and the area size are unlimited and defined in the Mobile Authenticator Studio configuration file.

For more information on this feature, refer to the  Mobile Authenticator Studio Customization Guide for more information.

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