- 22 Oct 2024
- 1 Minute à lire
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- SombreLumière
Authentication Server
- Mis à jour le 22 Oct 2024
- 1 Minute à lire
- Impression
- SombreLumière
Use these credentials for OneSpan Authentication Server connections
These options specify the credentials used for authentication when connections to the specified OneSpan Authentication Server instance are established. You need to specify the credentials of a valid OneSpan Authentication Server user account with administrative privileges. The credentials are used for all OneSpan Authentication Server instances specified in the Authentication servers list.
User name
Type the user name of a valid OneSpan Authentication Server user account used for OneSpan Authentication Server connections.
Type the respective password of a valid OneSpan Authentication Server user account used for OneSpan Authentication Server connections.
If you experience issues connecting to OneSpan Authentication Server, verify that Password Synchronization Manager is registered in the administrative client list of the respective OneSpan Authentication Server instance. For more information, see Post-installation settings and tasks.
Authentication servers
Use this list to specify the OneSpan Authentication Server instance(s) to synchronize passwords with the particular domain controller. Usually, this list contains all OneSpan Authentication Server instances of a server replication group which keep their data synchronized. When a OneSpan Authentication Server instance is added, you need to specify the server name or IP address, the server port, and whether it is a primary server.
You can enable SSL to secure the communication to each authentication server. To use SEAL/SSL, you need to import the respective certification authority (CA) certificate of the authentication server to the Windows certificate store of the server where Password Synchronization Manager is installed. For more information, see Configure Password Synchronization Manager for SEAL/SSL.
When a password is synchronized, Password Synchronization Manager attempts to establish a connection to all servers in the list. It starts with the primary servers, then tries to establish a connection to all other servers based on the order in the list. The connection attempt is considered successful if a connection to at least one server can be established.
Password Synchronization Manager stops after the first OneSpan Authentication Server instance to which it could connect and successfully submit the password synchronization request. All other servers in the list are skipped.