Configure Password Synchronization Manager for SEAL/SSL
  • 22 Oct 2024
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Configure Password Synchronization Manager for SEAL/SSL

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Résumé de l’article

You can secure communication between Password Synchronization Manager and OneSpan Authentication Server via SSL. You can enable SSL for each OneSpan Authentication Server instance individually (via the Use SSL option in the password filter configuration). You need to import the certification authority (CA) certificate for each OneSpan Authentication Server instance configured to use SEAL/SSL to the Windows certificate store of the server where Password Synchronization Manager is installed.

If your organization is impacted by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), each OneSpan Authentication Server configuration must be updated to use encrypted communication via the Use SSL option in the password filter configuration of the PSM Remote Configuration Manager.

For more information on GDPR, refer to the OneSpan Authentication Server General Data Protection Regulation Compliance Guide.

Before you begin

To import a CA certificate you need the following:

  • Access to the file containing the respective CA certificate

  • Microsoft Management Console (MMC)

Import OneSpan Authentication Server certificates for SEAL/SSL

To import OneSpan Authentication Server certificates for SEAL/SSL

  1. Start Microsoft Management Console by typing mmc in a command line prompt.

  2. If the Console Root tree does not contain the Certificates snap-in, add the snap-in by doing the following:

    1. Select File > Add / Remove Snap-in.

    2. Highlight the Certificates snap-in the Available snap-ins list and click Add.

    3. If required, select Computer account and Local computer and click Finish.

      This step is only necessary if you are logged on using a user account with restricted access rights.

    4. Click OK to return to Microsoft Management Console.

  3. Select Certificates (Local Computer) in the Console Root tree.

  4. In Logical Store Name select Trusted Root Certification Authorities > All Tasks > Import.

    The Certificate Import wizard appears.

  5. Click Next to begin.

  6. Select the file name.

  7. Select the certificate store to place the certificate.

    Select Place all certificates in the following store and verify that Trusted Root Certificate Authorities is selected under Certificate store.

  8. Click Finish.

Additional considerations

  • The initial OneSpan Authentication Server setup can create SSL certificates for the different communicator modules automatically. If you are using the SSL certificates created by the OneSpan Authentication Server Configuration Wizard, import ikey_seal_serverca.pem as CA certificate for that OneSpan Authentication Server instance. You need to install the SSL certificates even if OneSpan Authentication Server and Password Synchronization Manager are installed on the same server.

  • The imported certificate file is not deleted and will remain on the disk after the import.

For more information about encryption, see the Password Synchronization Manager Installation Guide.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
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Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
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Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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