POLICIES – Push Notification (tab)
  • 09 Jan 2025
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POLICIES – Push Notification (tab)

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Résumé de l’article

The POLICIES > Push Notification tab is used to manage push notification settings of the policy.

Table: POLICIES – Push Notification tab
Field nameDescription
Request Method

The method by which a user has to request a push notification for authentication.

Possible values:

  • Default. Use the setting of the parent policy.
  • KeywordOnly. Only the keyword will be accepted.
  • Password. Use the static password.
  • KeywordPassword. Use the request keyword followed by the static password. No separator characters or whitespace should be between them.
  • PasswordKeyword. Use the static password followed by the request keyword. No separator characters or whitespace should be between them.
  • None. Do not use push notification.
Request Keyword

Defines the keyword that a user must enter to request a push notification for authentication if a method using a keyword is selected in the request method. This can be blank.

The maximum length is 16 characters.

Mobile Application Name

Indicates the name of the mobile application the push notification message is sent to.

Supported range: 0–64 characters.

Authentication Timeout (seconds)

The time span in seconds during which authentication via a particular push notification message is possible, i.e. the time span between sending a push notification to a mobile device, and the response from the authenticator app. When the timeout period has elapsed, authentication using the push notification message will fail.

Possible values: 0300

Message Title

The text that will be used as the title of push notifications sent for authentication and signature operations.

Default value (Base Policy): Logon request

Message Subject

The text that will be used as the subject of push notifications sent for authentication and signature operations.

Default value (Base Policy): Authenticate to [servicename]

When you configure message templates, you can use different placeholder strings as variables. If applicable, the placeholder strings are replaced during runtime with the actual values. Otherwise the placeholder string will not be replaced.

Table: Push notification message template placeholders
Placeholder stringDescription
[servicename]The service name that is added automatically to the message subject if it is specified either by the calling application or the client component.
Table: Generic message template placeholders
Placeholder stringDescription
[domain]The user domain.
[email]The user's email address.
[mobile]The user's mobile number. In Active Directory, this refers to the Mobile field in the user's list of available Telephones.
[phone]The user's phone number. In Active Directory, this refers to the Telephone number field.
[serialnumber]The serial number of the authenticator.
[userid]The user identifier.
[username]The user name.

Cet article vous a-t-il été utile ?

Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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