QR code activation
  • 23 Oct 2024
  • 1 Minute à lire
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QR code activation

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Résumé de l’article

With QR code activation, the activation data is provided in a QR code. QR code activation uses the same data as offline activation, in the following format:


Additional data can be set in the QR code. For more information, refer to the Mobile Authenticator StudioIntegration Guide.

As with offline activation, the configuration data resides in the Mobile Authenticator Studio app, whereas the authenticator key is included in the QR code via the activation code. In addition, the QR code needs to contain the authenticator serial number, which is necessary to rebuild the authenticator key from the activation code. Therefore, the serial number and activation code need to be securely delivered to users prior to the activation (e.g. in a sealed letter).

The serial number and activation code of the authenticator are delivered with the DPX file, as specified in theMobile Authenticator Studio Parameter Sheet.

QR codes can be generated with any barcode generator implementing the formats supported by Mobile Authenticator Studio.

QR code activation

After scanning a QR code, if Mobile Authenticator Studio is not password-protected, the user can immediately access the main screen of the app. With password protection enabled, the user needs to set their local password.

If the reactivation feature is enabled, the QR code may contain the event reactivation counter. For more information, see Reactivation of a standard license.

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Your profile has been successfully updated.

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