Re-licensing scenarios
  • 27 Dec 2024
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Re-licensing scenarios

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Résumé de l’article

Whenever you change or update the OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance license key, you need to reconfigure OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance replication!

Changing the IP address or restoring a backup to a OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance

Re-licensing is not possible, until you have contacted the supplier of your OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance.

To re-license for an IP address change or a backup restored to a different appliance

  1. Contact your OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance supplier to release the appliance from its initial license.
  2. Launch the Licensing Wizard (see  Accessing the wizard to re-license OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance).
  3. Complete the Licensing Wizard for a commercial license (see  Licensing Wizard).

For more information about setting up a replacement appliance, see Replacing a OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance device.

Upgrading an evaluation license to a commercial license

To re-license when upgrading from an evaluation license to a commercial license

  1. Launch the Licensing Wizard (see  Accessing the wizard to re-license OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance).
  2. Complete the Licensing Wizard for a commercial license (see Licensing Wizard).

Upgrading a commercial license to add new license options

Re-licensing is required if you want to add a new license option or type other than when upgrading from an evaluation license.

To re-license for a new license option or type

  1. Open a web browser and go to the OneSpan Customer Portal:

  2. Follow the instructions on the OneSpan Customer Portal to acquire the license file required.

    The license file is made available to you via the OneSpan Customer Portal on receipt of your purchase order.

  3. Launch the Licensing Wizard (see  Accessing the wizard to re-license OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance).
  4. Complete the Licensing Wizard.

    1. On the Welcome page, click Next.
    2. On the Current License page, click Next.
    3. On the System Information page, click Next.

      It is not necessary to download a system information file for re-licensing a new license option or type.

    4. On the Upload License page, browse to and upload the license file (License.dat), which you downloaded from the OneSpan Customer Portal before.
    5. On the License Activation page, click Next.
    6. On the License Confirmation page, click Finish.

Upgrading a major software version

When performing a major software upgrade of OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance, the Update Wizard will indicate whether re-licensing is necessary.

Re-licensing after a major version upgrade follows the same procedure as re-licensing for a new license option or type (see  Upgrading a commercial license to add new license options).

Restoring to factory default

Re-licensing is not possible until you have contacted the supplier of your OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance.

Restoring OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance to factory default cleans the system and changes the configuration key. In this case, the installed license is also removed, although still bound to the old configuration key in the OneSpan license system.

To re-license after resetting an appliance to factory default (without restoring a backup)

  1. Contact your OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance supplier tor release the appliance license from the old configuration key.
  2. Launch the Licensing Wizard (see  Accessing the wizard to re-license OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance).
  3. Complete the Licensing Wizard for a commercial license (see Licensing Wizard).

It is not necessary to reset OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance to the factory default if you want to restore a backup. In this case, the appliance is automatically reset to the factory default before the backup is restored. For more information about restoring backups, see  Replacing a OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance device.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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