Release 5.1.3
  • 14 Jan 2025
  • 1 Minute à lire
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Release 5.1.3

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Résumé de l’article

To ensure that the OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for Salesforce connector remains functional after you enable your salesforce instances with 'Salesforce Platform API Versions 21.0 through 30.0 Retirement', you are required to upgrade to this latest OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for Salesforce version (5.1.3). Please note that previous versions of this connector are NOT compatible with the Salesforce Summer ’25 Release.

If you are upgrading to this version from version 5.0, then no additional configurations are needed. Simply go to the Salesforce AppExchange store, and search for OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for Salesforce. Alternatively, you can click this link. However, if you are upgrading to this version from a previous installation other than 5.0, you must follow the instructions described in Upgrading to 5.0.

  1. Go to the Salesforce AppExchange store, and search for OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for Salesforce. Alternatively, you can click this link.

  2. Install version 5.x using the regular installation process. For more information, see Installing OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for Salesforce.

What's New

Here are some of the new features and enhancements we have made for this release.

  • To ensure compatibility with the retirement of JDK Locale Format and the enablement of ICU Locale Formats the Salesforce for OneSpan Sign connector now supports API versions greater that 45.0. (refs PB-110162)

Bug Fixes

  • We have resolved an issue where a transaction status was not updated to Completed. This was caused by callbacks failing for non-admin users who did not have the appropriate OneSpan Admin permission. (refs PB-111378)

  • The Salesforce for OneSpan Sign connector now ensures that only the latest ContentVersion is added to a transaction. Additionally, the version number and isLatest status is now displayed in a tooltip. (refs PB-104718)

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