Relying party
  • 17 Jan 2025
  • 1 Minute à lire
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Relying party

  • Sombre
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Résumé de l’article

The relying party is the middleman in the communication between the client and the FIDO service (i.e. the web application using the FIDO UAF SDK). For the SDK to function properly, the relying party must be prepared to handle both successful HTTP 200 responses with successful or unsuccessful FIDO status codes, and unsuccessful HTTP responses.

The FIDO UAF SDK also assumes that the relying party exposes endpoints which provide the TLS server certificate, and its hash, for channel binding purposes.

Any number of relying parties can be handled with the SDK. The supported relying party channel binding methods should be defined for each relying party. It is possible to set all supported channel binding method flags to false, in which case the Channel Binding feature will be disabled.

We strongly advise against disabling the Channel Binding feature.

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