Restoring an ODBC database from another OneSpan Authentication Server instance
  • 07 Jan 2025
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Restoring an ODBC database from another OneSpan Authentication Server instance

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Résumé de l’article

In this scenario, multiple OneSpan Authentication Server instances are mutually synchronizing each other, but one database has become unsynchronized or unstable. This database must be replaced with a safe database – i.e. one containing up-to-date, uncorrupted data. In the following procedure, SVR-2 is using a database that has become unstable, and must therefore be repaired using the SVR-1 database.

Synchronization of multiple OneSpan Authentication Server instances – One database lost or unstable

Figure: Synchronization of multiple OneSpan Authentication Server instances – One database lost or unstable

To replace a database used by OneSpan Authentication Server with a database used by another instance

  1. Identify the OneSpan Authentication Server instance with the safe database. For the following steps, this instance will be referred to as SVR-1.
  2. Stop the VASCO IDENTIKEY Authentication Server service on SVR-1 and SVR-2.
  3. Take a complete copy of the database used by the OneSpan Authentication Server on SVR-1. If you are using the embedded MariaDB database, see Backing up the data store: Embedded MariaDB database.
  4. Delete the replication queue files for SVR-2 on SVR-1:

    1. On SVR-1, run the Configuration Utility and switch to the Replication > Destination Servers tab.
    2. Find the Destination Server row that represents SVR-2 and note its Display Name.
    3. Navigate to the Queue tab and verify the File Path value. This is %PROGRAMFILES%\VASCO\IDENTIKEY Authentication Server\ReplData by default, but may have been configured differently.
    4. Delete all files in that folder where the filename starts with the display name of the destination server previously identified (Display Name).
  5. The VASCO IDENTIKEY Authentication Server service on SVR-1 may be restarted now if needed – it will build up a new replication queue until it can connect to SVR-2.
  6. Overwrite the database used by the OneSpan Authentication Server service on SVR-2 with the copy from SVR-1. If you are using the embedded MariaDB database, see Restoring an ODBC database from a backup.
  7. Delete the replication database. To do so, delete Replication.DB in the %PROGRAMFILES%\VASCO\IDENTIKEY Authentication Server\ReplData folder. If you have configured replication to store its files in a different directory, delete the files in that directory instead.
  8. Restart the VASCO IDENTIKEY Authentication Server service.

If the OneSpan Authentication Server instance with the 'invalid' database (SVR-2) was synchronizing with another OneSpan Authentication Server instance, you must copy over the other database as well. Repeat the procedure for any OneSpan Authentication Server instance with which SVR-2 was synchronizing.

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