Restoring backups
  • 27 Dec 2024
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Restoring backups

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Résumé de l’article

Restoring a backup is a manual process. It allows you to upload configuration settings and data, which have been backed up from another or the same instance of OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance, to the appliance's internal database. If restored to the same appliance, for instance after a configuration error or loss of data, the settings simply overwrite those currently stored in the appliance, without the need to re-license OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance.

For more information, refer to the OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance Product Guide, Section " Backup and restore".

Before you begin

  1. Restoring a backup file overwrites previous configuration settings and data.
  2. When restoring a backup from another OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance instance, re-licensing is required (see Re-licensing OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance).
  3. If you have configured a custom encryption passphrase, you will need to type the passphrase in the Restore wizard.

Restoring a backup

To restore a backup

  1. Log on to the OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance Configuration Tool, and select System > Backup & Restore.
  2. Click Restore a backup.

    The Restore wizard appears.

  3. Specify the backup file and, if required, the backup passphrase.

    The passphrase is required, if custom encryption has been used for backup.

    The backup file is uploaded and validated. If the file is not a valid backup file, a respective message will be displayed and the restore is canceled.

  4. Verify the backup summary on the Info page.
  5. Click Finish to restore the backup.

    While the backup is restored, OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance will be unavailable for approximately 10 minutes.

  6. (OPTIONAL) After restore, log on to the OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance Configuration Tool and review the restore status feedback in the Status tab.

    Backup and Restore – Restoring and restarting

    Figure: Backup and Restore – Restoring and restarting

Additional considerations

To restore a backup on a replacement OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance, follow the procedure for a regular replacement (see Replacing a OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance device).

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