0 | Success | 1024 | Challenge not decimal |
1 | Failure | 1025 | Buffer too small |
2 | Static password validation failed | 1026 | Currency not decimal |
130 | Invalid response pointer | 1027 | TDS too long |
131 | Missing required challenge | 1028 | Transaction currency required |
132 | Unsupported token type | 1029 | Transaction amount too long |
133 | Invalid RandomNumber pointer | 1030 | Transaction currency too long |
134 | Invalid UnlockCode pointer | 1031 | Transaction amount required |
135 | Invalid challenge pointer | 1032 | Invalid message length |
136 | Invalid ChallengeLength pointer | 1033 | Invalid item type |
137 | Challenge not supported | 1034 | Invalid IIPB length |
138 | Unlock function not supported | 1035 | Invalid PSN |
139 | Invalid signature pointer |
140 | Challenge corrupted | 1037 | Transaction amount is not decimal |
141 | Invalid field count | 1038 | Key type invalid |
142 | Invalid TestCode pointer | 1039 | Invalid response length with DP algorithm |
143 | Invalid HostDateTime pointer | 1040 | Invalid host code length with DP algorithm |
144 | Invalid ClockShift pointer | 1041 | Invalid ATC bit mask in IIPB |
145 | Invalid ChallengeMsg pointer | 1042 | Invalid response type |
146 | Invalid MasterKey pointer | 1043 | Invalid IIPB - more than 64 bits set |
147 | Invalid ActivationCode pointer | 1100 | Function not supported |
148 | Invalid data field pointer | 1101 | EMV-CAP is not supported |
149 | Invalid initial vector length | 1103 | Unlock Version 2 not supported |
150 | Invalid derivation data length | 1104 | Virtual token is not a primary token |
151 | Invalid KCV length | 1106 | EMV HSM application not supported |
152 | Invalid DataField pointer | 1107 | EMV SSM application not supported |
153 | Invalid event window | 1109 | Invalid derivation code |
154 | Invalid data block size | 1110 | Invalid derivation code pointer |
155 | Invalid time window | 1111 | Invalid derivation code length |
156 | Obsolete hash data block | 1112 | Invalid character in derivation code |
157 | Invalid hash data block | 1113 | Derivation code check digit is wrong |
158 | Invalid salt pointer | 1114 | Invalid derivation code format parameter |
159 | Invalid state data block pointer | 1116 | Response check digit not allowed |
160 | Invalid hash data block pointer | 1117 | Challenge check digit not allowed |
161 | Invalid key pointer | 1118 | Unsupported BLOB |
162 | Salt buffer too big | 1119 | Unsupported payload key BLOB |
163 | Key buffer too big | 1262 | Payload key data buffer too small |
164 | Invalid serial number suffix pointer | 1263 | Device ID buffer too small |
165 | Invalid response length | 1264 | Invalid master application |
166 | Missing required CESPR | 1265 | Invalid master application data pointer |
167 | Input data corrupted (challenge or CESPR) | 1266 | Invalid message vector pointer |
169 | CESPR character invalid | 1267 | Invalid message vector length |
179 | Session handle invalid | 1268 | Invalid message vector version |
| 1269 | Invalid message vector pointer |
201 | Code replay attempt | 1270 | Invalid activation message pointer |
202 | Identification error threshold reached | 1271 | Invalid activation message length pointer |
203 | Sign error threshold reached | 1272 | Invalid message body type |
204 | Duplicate signature found | 1273 | Invalid activation vector length |
205 | Inactive days reached | 1274 | Invalid message protocol version |
206 | Sign sync error | 1275 | Invalid message protection type |
207 | Invalid use of onlinesg flag | 1276 | Invalid device code pointer |
208 | Application disabled | 1277 | Invalid device ID pointer |
209 | Grace period expired | 1278 | Invalid device ID length pointer |
210 | Allowed use count reached | 1279 | Invalid device ID |
211 | Virtual token not supported | 1280 | Invalid device type pointer |
272 | Invalid wrapped key | 1281 | Invalid device code length |
412 | Invalid checksum | 1282 | Invalid device code check digit |
413 | Invalid Base64 format | 1283 | Invalid device code character |
414 | Invalid checksum (HSM) | 1284 | Invalid device code |
500 | Init key not verified | 1285 | Master key derivation failed |
501 | Bad init key length | 1286 | Invalid payload key pointer / Invalid payload key data pointer |
506 | Invalid CINIT handle pointer | 1287 | Invalid payload key length pointer / Invalid payload key data length pointer |
507 | Invalid CINI HDR pointer | 1288 | Invalid serial number prefix |
508 | Invalid header record | 1289 | Invalid serial number suffix |
509 | Invalid CINI data pointer | 1290 | Invalid sequence number pointer |
510 | Invalid Digipass data pointer | 1291 | Invalid application count pointer |
511 | Invalid serial number pointer | 1292 | Sequence number threshold reached |
512 | Invalid AuthMode pointer | 1293 | Invalid sequence number |
513 | Invalid data record | 1294 | Digipass key derivation failed |
514 | Invalid Digipass info pointer | 1295 | Invalid Digipass instance SM application in static vector |
515 | Invalid Digipass type pointer | 1296 | Key wrapping failed |
516 | Invalid key set pointer | 1297 | Invalid static vector |
517 | Invalid property value | 1298 | Invalid Digipass instance application in static vector |
518 | Invalid property | 1299 | Signed message not hexadecimal |
530 | Invalid QA data pointer | 1300 | Invalid signed message length |
531 | Invalid QA security level | 1301 | Invalid signed message pointer |
532 | Invalid QA data length | 1302 | AES CTR encryption failed |
533 | Invalid UserId pointer | 1303 | Invalid request message pointer |
534 | Invalid UserId length | 1304 | Invalid request message length pointer |
535 | Invalid QA number | 1305 | Invalid request body pointer |
536 | Invalid encrypted QA data | 1306 | Invalid request body length |
537 | Invalid static vector pointer | 1307 | Invalid deactivation message pointer |
540 | Invalid QAkey pointer | 1308 | Invalid deactivation message length pointer |
541 | Invalid index list | 1309 | Invalid Secure Channel application |
542 | Invalid hash list | 1310 | Invalid payload key type |
543 | Invalid DP4WebBLOB | 1311 | Null Digipass data |
545 | Invalid static vector length | 1312 | Null serial number |
546 | Invalid activation code format in static vector | 1313 | Null authentication mode |
547 | Alea is too long | 1314 | Null token type |
548 | Shared secret is too long / Shared data too long | 1315 | Invalid reserved value |
549 | Alea and shared secret too long / Alea + shared data too long | 316 | Secure Channel not supported |
550 | Null master key label pointer | 1317 | Secure Channel supported. Payload key BLOB is mandatory |
551 | Null master key KCV pointer | 1318 | Secure Channel not supported. Payload key BLOB has to be NULL or empty string |
552 | Null derivation seed pointer | 1319 | Invalid library version pointer |
553 | Null derivation key KCV pointer | 1320 | Library version buffer too small |
554 | Null TLV data pointer | 1321 | Invalid library version length pointer |
555 | Null auth mode pointer | 1322 | Invalid library bitness pointer |
556 | Null master key reference | 1323 | Library bitness buffer too small |
557 | Null encryption key reference | 1324 | Invalid library bitness length pointer |
558 | Null encryption key KCV pointer | 1325 | Invalid library type pointer |
559 | Invalid seed length | 1326 | Library type buffer too small |
560 | Null output buffer | 1327 | Invalid library type length pointer |
561 | Invalid matrix card sequence number | 1328 | Invalid module version |
562 | Invalid row number | 1329 | Module version buffer too small |
563 | Invalid column number | 1330 | Invalid module version length pointer |
564 | Invalid security level | 1331 | Activation 1 not supported |
567 | Invalid activation flags value | 1332 | Activation 2 not supported |
568 | Invalid DP+ application in Digipass data | 1333 | Deactivation not supported |
569 | Invalid application name in Digipass data | 1334 | Transaction request not supported |
570 | Invalid static vector version | 1335 | Invalid payload key type in payload key data |
571 | Invalid application index in static vector | 1336 | Inconsistent payload key type between payload key data and message vector |
572 | Missing application key type in static vector | 1337 | Unsupported message protocol version |
573 | Serial number suffix not decimal | 1338 | Unsupported message type |
574 | Invalid serial number prefix in SV | 1339 | Unsupported message type |
575 | Invalid event reactivation counter pointer | 1340 | Invalid message pointer |
576 | Digipass data does not match with SV | 1341 | Message is not hexadecimal |
577 | HSM random generation failed | 1342 | Invalid response message length |
578 | Invalid BLOB status | 1343 | Invalid information message length |
579 | Alea or shared data not allowed | 1344 | Invalid request message length |
580 | Static vector light not found | 1345 | Invalid request message protection type |
590 | Invalid command pointer | 1346 | Invalid request message protection type |
600 | Invalid Gordian root information | 1347 | Invalid information message protection type |
601 | Invalid Gordian today information | 1348 | Invalid information message protection type |
602 | Invalid Gordian tomorrow information | 1349 | Invalid response body pointer |
603 | Invalid Gordian stimulus information | 1350 | Invalid response body pointer |
701 | Invalid input buffer pointer | 1351 | Invalid response body pointer |
702 | Invalid HASH buffer pointer | 1352 | Nonces are not equal |
703 | Invalid hash algorithm | 1353 | Payload key BLOB is mandatory |
704 | Invalid hash length | 1354 | Invalid request message type |
706 | Invalid data buffer pointer | 1355 | Invalid response message type |
801 | Static password not supported | 1356 | Invalid information body pointer |
802 | Change password mandatory | 1357 | Invalid information body pointer |
803 | New password too short | 1358 | Invalid information body length pointer |
804 | New password too long | 1359 | Information body buffer is too small |
805 | Password not equal | 1360 | Invalid information message type |
806 | Static password change not supported | 1361 | Invalid authentication tag |
807 | Serial number not equal | 1362 | Invalid response message length |
808 | Invalid application count value | 1363 | Invalid message expiration time value |
809 | Encrypted static password not supported | 1364 | Message time validity expired |
810 | Unlock authentication failure | 5001 | Unsupported request message protocol version |
811 | Invalid unlock authentication code pointer | 5002 | Unsupported request message type |
812 | Invalid unlock authentication index | 5003 | Unsupported request message protection type |
813 | Unlock authentication code is too short | 5004 | Invalid request message length |
814 | Unlock authentication code is too long | 5005 | Invalid request message; character not hexadecimal |
900 | HSM null session | 5006 | Incorrect serial number in the request message; character not hexadecimal |
901 | HSM invalid state | 5007 | Invalid authentication tag in the request message |
907 | HSM not initialized | 10001 | Success with context warning |
908 | HSM key not found | 10002 | Success with user warning |
909 | HSM invalid slot ID | 10003 | Success with user & context warning |
910 | Invalid HSM command in reply | 10004 | Success with platform warning |
911 | HSM invalid key KCV | 10005 | Success with platform & context warning |
912 | HSM invalid BLOB status | 10006 | Success with platform & user warning |
913 | Invalid HSM key property | 10007 | Success with platform & user & context warning |
916 | PKCS11 find process error | 20000 to 29999 | PKCS11 vendor error |
917 | Key type inconsistent | 30000 to 31999 | PKCS11 standard error |
918 | HSM encryption failed | -101 | Challenge too short |
919 | HSM decryption failed | -102 | Challenge too long |
950 | Invalid application for AES HSM encryption | -103 | Challenge check digit wrong |
951 | Invalid HSM key type for HSM decryption | -105 | Challenge minimum length not allowed |
1000 | Function does not support EMV-CAP | -106 | Challenge maximum length not allowed |
1001 | Function does not support EMV-CAP | -107 | Challenge number wrong |
1002 | Compression failed - header too big | -108 | Challenge character invalid |
1003 | Compression failed - source too big | -151 | CESPR too short |
1004 | Compression failed maximum length requirements | -152 | CESPR too long |
1005 | BER-TLV TAG too long - must be 1 or 2 bytes | -153 | Server public key too long |
1006 | BER-TLV length field too long – must be <= 5 bytes | -201 | Response length out of bounds |
1007 | Invalid BER-TLV tag field | -202 | Response too short |
| -203 | Response too long |
1009 | Total length does not match TLV object lengths | -204 | Response check digit wrong |
1010 | IAD not found in TLV list | -205 | Response character not decimal |
1011 | AIP not found in TLV list | -206 | Response character not hexadecimal |
1012 | PAN not found | -207 | Response character set not specified |
1013 | PSN not found | -208 | Response not alphanumeric |
1014 | IAF profile not found in TLV list | -301 | Time most execution failed |
1015 | Challenge is not hexadecimal | -302 | Time next execution failed |
1016 | Challenge and TDS present | -310 | Invalid reserved parameter |
1017 | IIPB profile not found in TLV list | -401 | Event most execution failed |
1018 | Invalid TLV item pointer | -508 | Token type not supported |
1019 | Missing mandatory TLV item | -509 | Response type not allowed |
| -510 | Invalid record |
1021 | CDOL compression failed, CDOL is too long | -511 | Wrong record CRC check |
1022 | Invalid BER-TLV data pointer | -1501 | Memory allocation failed |
1023 | TDS not decimal | | |