Run the SEE jobs of the Authentication Suite Server SDK SEE machine
- 23 Jan 2025
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Run the SEE jobs of the Authentication Suite Server SDK SEE machine
- Mis à jour le 23 Jan 2025
- 1 Minute à lire
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Authentication Suite Server SDK for Entrust nShield HSM is based on two different modules, a host module (host API) and an Authentication Suite Server SDK HSM module (the Authentication Suite Server SDK SEE machine).
The Authentication Suite Server SDK SEE machine provides 3 SEE jobs that you need to use when integrating Authentication Suite Server SDK for Entrust nShield HSM:
- see_VC_loadkey: Use this job to load an HSM key into the SEE machine.
- see_VC_cmd: Use this job to execute an Authentication Suite Server SDK command transaction.
- see_VC_removekeys: Use this job to unload all keys previously loaded with see_VC_loadkey.
These SEE jobs must be executed using the nCore command Cmd_SEEJob and the Transact routine of the nCore HSM host API (NFastApp_Transact() method in C, or transact() method of an NFConnection in Java). The 3 SEE jobs have different input and output parameters.
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