Screenshot and screen recording protection
  • 24 Dec 2024
  • 1 Minute à lire
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Screenshot and screen recording protection

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Résumé de l’article

Applications often display sensitive information that should not be easily extracted from the application. A screenshot or screen recording, however, would compromise this information.

Screenshots are taken in different ways. They can be initiated by the user, taken by the system for various reasons (e.g., the task manager when changing between running apps), and captured by screen mirroring.

App Shielding is able to block all three use cases. When enabled, this feature renders any screenshot of the protected app as a plain black image. If a screenshot is taken when switching between apps on the device, then only the window that contains the protected app is obscured.

Similarly, a screen recording of the protected app results in a plain black video. Because screen sharing uses screen recording, this feature also blocks screen sharing apps like TeamViewer.

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