SDK overview
  • 16 Jan 2025
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SDK overview

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Résumé de l’article

SDK component versions

The SDK contains the following components:

  • fido2-core-ext 2.0.12
  • fido2-sample-webapp 3.0.5

Supported versions

Table: Supported platforms and versions lists the platforms and versions that the OneSpan FIDO2 SDK currently supports.

  Table:  Supported platforms and versions
PlatformSupported version
Java Development Kit (JDK)

17 or later

Apache Tomcat


Other application servers supporting Java Servlet API 3.0 can also be used; to ensure full functionality of the SDK, OneSpan recommends using the supported platforms as documented.

Product package contents

The structure of the product package ZIP file is as follows:

  • doc: This directory contains the OneSpan FIDO2 SDK Integration Guide.
  • library: This directory contains the SDK files:

    • bin: This directory contains the binary files.

      • fido2-core-ext-2.0.12.jar: Contains the FIDO2 SDK implementation files without the required third-party dependencies.
      • fido2-core-ext-2.0.12.pom: Contains the list of third-party dependencies together with their associated versions, which are needed by the FIDO2 SDK implementation.
    • doc: Contains the ZIP file that holds the SDK Java code documentation.
    • db-schema.sql: Contains an example database schema that can be used to store FIDO-related data in a persistent relational database.
  • sample: This directory contains an example application that uses the OneSpan FIDO2 SDK. It exposes REST endpoints and a simple front end to demonstrate FIDO2 usage scenarios. The sample directory contains the following sub-directories:

    • bin: Contains the application WAR archive (fido2-sample-webapp-3.0.5.war), which can be deployed to the application server (such as Apache Tomcat, IBM WebSphere).
    • src: Contains the sample web application source code.

Adding the OneSpan FIDO2 SDK to your project

The fido2-core-ext-2.0.12.jar is a thin Java archive file (JAR) that contains the FIDO2 SDK implementation. It does not contain the required third-party dependencies. The SDK includes a Project Object Model (POM) file that declares all the required third-party dependencies and their associated versions.

The POM file can be found in the binary folder of the extracted package, i.e. sdk\fido2\library\bin\fido2-core-ext-2.0.12.pom.

To integrate the SDK library into your project

  1. Create the following repository folder structure in your project root folder:


    Replace project_folder with the top folder of your project.

  2. Copy fido2-core-ext-2.0.12.jar and fido2-core-ext-2.0.12.pom to the new repository folder.
  3. Adapt your build.gradle file to enable the import from the new repository folder:

    repositories {
      maven {
        url "${projectDir}/repository"
  4. To import the OneSpan FIDO2 SDK implementation, update the dependency section:

    dependencies {
      implementation ''

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