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The POLICIES > Secure Channel tab allows configuring the parameters used to generate the request body messages.
Table: POLICIES – Secure Channel tab
Field name
Activation Message Validity (days)
The number of days before the first activation message (Activation Message 1) will expire.
Message Signing
Allow Custom Request Body
If true, all Secure Channel policy settings can be overwritten by providing a valid request body attribute in the request.
Min App Version
Minimum application version. This is the application version required to parse the request message.
Possible values: 0–3
1-Step Challenge/Response
Require PIN
If true, the device must perform PIN verification before it generates the response.
Template Number
Selects the template in the device that specifies the layout of a page with challenge transaction data.
Possible values: 0–15
Font Index (Code page)
OneSpan Authentication Server supports various character encodings that are used to display formatted text of Secure Channel messages on a device. If an authenticator implements multiple font tables, you can set the font table index to specify the font table (character encoding) to use.
Possible values:
0. ISO-8859-15.
1. Katakana.
2. Central and Eastern Europe.
3. Greek.
Signature Transaction
Require PIN
If true, the device must perform PIN verification before it generates the response.
Template Number
Selects the template in the device which specifies the layout of a page with signature transaction data.
Possible values: 0–15
Font Index (Code page)
OneSpan Authentication Server supports various character encodings that are used to display formatted text of Secure Channel messages on a device. If an authenticator implements multiple font tables, you can set the font table index to specify the font table (character encoding) to use.
Possible values:
0. ISO-8859-15.
1. Katakana.
2. Central and Eastern Europe.
3. Greek.
Show Response
If true, the response will be shown on the device.
Show Warning
If true, a pre-loaded warning will be shown on the device.
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