  • 23 Jan 2025
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Résumé de l’article

The Authentication Suite Server SDK for HSM functionalities are categorized as follows:

  • Functionalities that do not use the HSM
  • Functionalities that use the HSM and HSM keys

The functionalities related to the HSM are based on two Authentication Suite Server SDK functions. The first function generates a command for the Authentication Suite Server SDK SEE machine, the second function processes the HSM reply returned by the Authentication Suite Server SDK SEE machine.

With the see_VC_cmd job, a Authentication Suite Server SDK command message is sent to the SEE machine. The AS command message is a buffer generated by the AS host API function AAL2GenxxxxCmd of Authentication Suite Server SDK for HSM. As a result, the SEE job returns an AS reply message, which is a buffer generated by the SEE machine and needs to be processed by the AS host API function AAL2ProcxxxxRpl of Authentication Suite Server SDK for HSM.

The functionalities related to the HSM need one or more HSM keys to work. You need to ensure that the proper HSM key(s) have been loaded into the Authentication Suite Server SDK SEE machine (using the see_VC_loadkey).

HSM keys used by Authentication Suite Server SDK for HSM are either HSM storage keys and/or HSM transport keys in case of authenticator applications.

The see_VC_cmd SEE job must contain the following input job bytes:

  • 1 byte containing the see_VC_cmd command code (0x01)
  • x bytes containing the Authentication Suite Server SDK command

Figure: Input Job Bytes for see_VC_cmd

The see_VC_cmd SEE job produces the following output reply bytes:

  • x-bytes containing the Authentication Suite Server SDK reply

Figure: Output Reply Bytes for see_VC_cmd

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