- 23 Jan 2025
- 1 Minute à lire
- SombreLumière
- Mis à jour le 23 Jan 2025
- 1 Minute à lire
- SombreLumière
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With the see_VC_removekeys SEE job, all the HSM keys that were loaded with the see_VC_loadkey SEE job are unloaded from the started Authentication Suite Server SDK SEE machine.
If the SEE machine is restarted, the HSM keys are implicitly unloaded.
The see_VC_removekeys SEE job must contain the following input job bytes:
- 1 byte containing the see_VC_removekeys command code (0x02)
Figure: Input Job Bytes for see_VC_removekeys
The see_VC_removekeys SEE job produces the following output reply bytes:
- 4 bytes containing the return code (32 bit integer little-endian encoded)
Figure: Output Reply Bytes for see_VC_removekeys
Possible return code values are 0 in case of remove keys success, or -1 in case of failure. The return code is little-endian encoded in the output reply bytes.
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