Server Configuration – Communicators (tab)
  • 09 Jan 2025
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Server Configuration – Communicators (tab)

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Use the SYSTEM > Server Configuration > Communicators tab to configure settings for the communication protocols.

The page displays a list of communication protocols. Each communication protocol can be enabled or disabled by selecting or clearing in the check box beside the protocol name.

SOAP Communicator

Table: Communicators – SOAP
Field nameDescription
IP AddressThis is the IP address the OneSpan Authentication Server service uses to handle SOAP requests.
PortThis is the port the OneSpan Authentication Server service uses to handle SOAP requests.
DPX File Upload LocationThe location where OneSpan Authentication Server stores copies of uploaded DIGIPASS export file (DPX) data.
Table: SSL settings
Field nameDescription
SSL Cipher Suite Security LevelOneSpan Authentication Server supports SSL cipher suites defined under the labels Very High, High, Medium, and Low. For more information, refer to the OneSpan Authentication Server Administrator Guide, Section "SSL cipher suites".
Client Certificate Verification
CA Certificate File

Optional. The certificate file used to allow clients to connect via SSL.

Certification authority (CA) files should be located on the same host as OneSpan Authentication Server. If your CA file is located on a network share, you need to copy the file locally before you browse to it and select it.

Require Client Certificate

If you do not require an SSL client certificate, select Never from this list.

If you choose any setting other than Never, you will be required to set a CA certificate file.

Re-Verify on Re-NegotiationSelect this checkbox to perform the SSL handshake each time you reconnect. If you reconnect each time you send a message you should leave this box unchecked as it will slow performance.

RADIUS Communicator

Table: Communicators – RADIUS
Field nameDescription
IP AddressThis is the IP address that the OneSpan Authentication Server service uses to handle RADIUS requests.
Authentication Port

This is the port that the OneSpan Authentication Server service uses to accept RADIUS authentication requests.

You can specify more than one port by separating the port numbers by a comma (',').

For example: 1812,1645

Accounting Port

This is the port that the OneSpan Authentication Server service uses to accept RADIUS accounting requests.

You can specify more than one port by separating the port numbers by a comma (',').

For example: 1812,1645

Table: SSL settings
Field nameDescription
SSL Cipher Suite Security LevelOneSpan Authentication Server supports SSL cipher suites defined under the labels Very High, High, Medium, and Low. For more information, refer to the OneSpan Authentication Server Administrator Guide, Section "SSL cipher suites".

SEAL Communicator (secure)

Table: Communicators – SEAL
Field nameDescription
IP AddressThis is the IP address the OneSpan Authentication Server service uses to handle SEAL requests.
PortThis is the port the OneSpan Authentication Server service uses to handle SEAL requests.
DPX File Upload LocationThe location where OneSpan Authentication Server stores copies of uploaded DIGIPASS export file (DPX) data.
Require administration client component registrationSelect this checkbox to use strict client component verification for administrative SEAL logon requests. If this option is enabled, there must be an Administration Program client component record for every location at which either a Tcl Command-Line Administration tool instance runs or Audit Viewer sets up a live connection to OneSpan Authentication Server.
Table: SSL settings
Field nameDescription
SSL Cipher Suite Security LevelOneSpan Authentication Server supports SSL cipher suites defined under the labels Very High, High, Medium, and Low. For more information, refer to the OneSpan Authentication Server Administrator Guide, Section "SSL cipher suites".
Client Certificate Verification
CA Certificate File

Optional. The certificate file used to allow clients to connect via SSL.

Certification authority (CA) files should be located on the same host as OneSpan Authentication Server. If your CA file is located on a network share, you need to copy the file locally before you browse to it and select it.

Require Client Certificate

If you do not require an SSL client certificate, select Never from this list.

If you choose any setting other than Never, you will be required to set a CA certificate file.

Re-Verify on Re-NegotiationSelect this checkbox to perform the SSL handshake each time you reconnect. If you reconnect each time you send a message you should leave this box unchecked as it will slow performance.

SEAL Communicator (non-secure)

Table: Communicators – SEAL
Field nameDescription
IP AddressThis is the IP address the OneSpan Authentication Server service uses to handle SEAL requests.
PortThis is the port the OneSpan Authentication Server service uses to handle SEAL requests.
DPX File Upload LocationThe location where OneSpan Authentication Server stores copies of uploaded DIGIPASS export file (DPX) data.
Require administration client component registrationSelect this checkbox to use strict client component verification for administrative SEAL logon requests. If this option is enabled, there must be an Administration Program client component record for every location at which either a Tcl Command-Line Administration tool instance runs or Audit Viewer sets up a live connection to OneSpan Authentication Server.

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