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Several service interfaces must be implemented for the OneSpan FIDO UAF SDK to function properly. All interface methods described in Table: Service interfaces and methods are used inside the SDK.
Table: Service interfaces and methods
Interface: AssertionsManager
Optional<Assertion> findOneByAppIdAaidAndKeyIdId
String appId
String aaid
String keyId
This method implementation returns Optional of (single) uniquely identified assertions from the data storage, based on the three parameters given. If no entry is found, the empty() value should be returned.
List<Assertion> findByUsernameAppIdAndAaid
String username
String appId
String aaid
This method implementation returns a list of Assertions from the data storage, based on the three parameters given. If no entry is found, an empty list should be returned.
List<Assertion> findByUsernameAndAppId
String username
String appId
This method implementation returns a list of Assertions from the data storage, based on the two parameters given. If no entry is found, an empty list should be returned.
List<Assertion> save
String appId
String username
List<Assertion> assertions
This method implementation saves the assertions for a given user and AppId in the data storage. The method should return a list of persisted Assertions.
void update
String appId
List<Assertion> assertions
This method implementation updates the given Assertions for a given AppId in the data storage.
List<Assertion> findByAaidAppIdKeyIdAndUsername
List<DeregisterAuthenticator> authenticators
String appId
String username
This method implementation returns a list of Assertions from the data storage. Each assertion should consist of a given application identifier and a pair of AAID and KeyId extracted from the authenticator list provided as a method parameter.
void delete
Collection<Assertion> assertions
String appId
This method implementation deletes a given collection of authenticators for a given application identifier from the data storage. The SDK implementation expects all assertions passed as a parameter to be deleted. This operation will fail if any passed assertion is not present in the database.
Interface: MetadataProvider
Optional<MetadataStatement> getMetadataStatement
String aaid
This method implementation obtains the Optional value of the MetadataStatement by the authenticator attestation ID, from any data source provided. If no MetadataStatement matching these criteria is found, the empty() value should be returned.
Interface: PolicyProvider
Optional<Policy> getPolicy
String appId
This method implementation obtains the Optional value from the Policy according to the application identifier in the data storage. If no Policy matching these criteria is found, the empty() value should be returned.
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