SOAP Signature Validation (Overview)
  • 16 Dec 2024
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SOAP Signature Validation (Overview)

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Résumé de l’article

The SOAP signature interface provides commands to generate and validate signatures (see Table: SOAP signature validation commands).

  Table:  SOAP signature validation commands
authSignatureValidates a signature on the OneSpan Authentication Server side (see  authSignature (Command).
authSignatureRequestTriggers a data signing transaction via push notification (see  authSignatureRequest (Command)).
cancelAuthSignatureRequestCancels a pending data signing transaction using a request key previously received through push notification (see  cancelAuthSignatureRequest (Command)).

Generates a request message that can be used to initiate a signature validation transaction (see  genRequest (Command)). 

Applies if Secure Channel is supported.

genSignatureGenerates a virtual signature on the OneSpan Authentication Server side (see  genSignature (Command)).
getPreparedSignatureRequestRetrieves a signature request using a request key previously received through push notification. (see  getPreparedSignatureRequest (Command)).

Different field attributes are available for SOAP signature interface commands (see Table: SOAP signature field attributes).

  Table:  SOAP signature field attributes
Attribute nameData typeDescription

The serialized error stack.

Only returned if the signature validation is not successful.

SIGNFLD_COMPONENT_TYPEStringThe SOAP client application identifier.

The host code that can be used by the client to validate the command was executed on the correct server.

Only returned if requested in the input and the command execution was successful.

Up to 17 numeric or hexadecimal characters.


The index of the authenticator application to use when you initiate a signature validation transaction using Secure Channel (see  genRequest (Command)). The specified authenticator application must be allowed by the effective policy.

If not specified, the first applicable authenticator application is used by default.

You can determine the application index with the  DIGIPASSAPPLCMD_GETINFO command.

Possible values: 1–n


The name of the authenticator application to use when you initiate a signature validation transaction using Secure Channel (see  genRequest (Command)). The specified authenticator application must be allowed by the effective policy.

If not specified, the first applicable authenticator application is used by default.

You can retrieve the application names of an authenticator with the  digipassapplQuery (Command) command.

Up to 12 characters.










The signature data fields (limited by the authenticator application, maximum 8) used to generate the electronic signature.

Up to 16 characters.

SIGNFLD_DEFERRED_DATETIMEDateTimeThe deferred signature datetime attribute should be specified in a full date/time format.
SIGNFLD_DEFERRED_EVENT_VALUEUnsigned IntegerThe deferred event counter of the authenticator application used to generate the signature.

As output, the user's resolved domain will be specified.

Up to 255 characters.


Indicates the user's resolved organizational unit.

Up to 255 characters.

SIGNFLD_PASSWORDStringThe combined password string (password format defaults to cleartext combined), provided by the end user required to generate a virtual signature.

The clear signature validation request body.

Applies if Secure Channel is supported.


The client application can use this field to indicate its requirement related to host code feedback.

Supported values:

  • 0. No
  • 1. Optional
  • 2. Required

Only the numeric value should be used.


The key that refers to a request message cached by OneSpan Authentication Server.

Applies if Secure Channel is supported.


Signature validation request message.

Applies if Secure Channel is supported.


As input, the serial number of the authenticator to be used for the respective command.

As output, the serial number of the authenticator (instance) that was used to perform the respective operation.

Exactly 10 characters.


The electronic signature.

Up to 17 numeric or hexadecimal characters.


Reason for failure.

Only returned if the signature validation is not successful.


Parameter used as a challenge diversifier to prevent man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks.

Up to 1024 hexadecimal characters.


The title of a signature validation transaction.

Applies if Secure Channel is supported.


The user ID as provided by the calling application (no specific format is required).

As output, the resolved user ID will be specified.

Up to 255 characters.


Applicable for time-based signature validation authenticator applications. Returned if the used authenticator has the timebase algorithm enabled for the signature application and if for the used policy the online signature mode is enabled.

SIGNFLD_VERIFIED_EVENT_VALUEUnsigned IntegerApplicable for event-based signature validation authenticator applications.

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