• 20 Jan 2025
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Résumé de l’article

To use SNMP notifications you must first install an SNMP manager. Net-SNMP is installed and is currently the only SNMP manager that can be used. A number of MIBs are provided for use with SNMP.

SNMP traps can only be sent when Net-SNMP is configured via this tab. Specify the information that is to be written into the snmpd.conf and snmp.conf configuration files of the Net-SNMP service. The snmpd.conf configuration file contains information about the OneSpan Authentication Server SNMP sub-agent.

The SNMP service configuration cannot be read, but only be overwritten. Applying changes via this tab will replace any existing SNMP configuration.

Table: SNMP page
Field nameDescription
Override SNMP configurationSelect this checkbox to override the SNMP configuration.
IP AddressThe IP address of the server that handles SNMP requests.

The port of the server that handles SNMP requests.

By default, the SNMP agent will run on the local host and listen on port 161.

Security NameThe user name for SNMPv3, or the community name for SNMPv2c.
Authentication Type

The authentication protocol. Specifies whether messages sent will be signed, and which protocol to use for signing.

Possible values:

  • None
  • MD5
  • SHA
SecretThe secret key used by the authentication protocol to authenticate messages.
Privacy Type

The privacy protocol. Specifies whether messages sent will be encrypted, and which protocol to use for encryption.

Possible values:

  • None
  • AES
  • DES
SecretThe secret key used by the privacy protocol to encrypt and decrypt messages.

The audit message information is included in the SNMP trap sent.

When an SNMP trap is sent, the information is added to the Security Alert Table. This is an SNMP table defined in OneSpan Authentication Server and contains a list of recent security alerts. This list is defined in the VASCO-IDENTIKEY-MIB.txt file and can be accessed using an SNMP viewer. It is non-persistent, i.e. the list is cleared when the OneSpan Authentication Server service is stopped.

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