- 11 Dec 2024
- 1 Minute à lire
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SOAP API (Client Integration Method)
- Mis à jour le 11 Dec 2024
- 1 Minute à lire
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This type of client integration method requires the client application developer to generate SOAP client applications based on the OneSpan Authentication Server WSDL files. OneSpan Authentication Server comes with the following WSDL files describing the different SOAP interfaces:
- Authentication.wsdl. Specifies the supported user authentication operations.
- EMVCAPAuthentication.wsdl. Specifies the supported EMV-CAP authentication operations.
- Signature.wsdl. Specifies the supported transaction authentication operations.
- Administration.wsdl. Specifies the supported administration operations. This file also specifies the report generation operation.
- Provisioning.wsdl. Specifies the supported software authenticators or software/hardware authenticators provisioning operations.
You can find these files in sdk_install_dir/wsdl/.
This client integration type requires advanced understanding of SOAP-related details on top of OneSpan Authentication Server concepts. Because of the required level of SOAP knowledge, this API is more appropriate for advanced users who want to have low level access to OneSpan Authentication Server.
For more information about the structure of SOAP messages, see SOAP message structure (SDK SOAP API).
If your organization is impacted by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), ensure that the SOAP communicator interface is configured to use SSL. If an OneSpan Authentication Server component does not support SSL, the SOAP interface must be configured without SSL; however, to be GDPR-compliant, you must set up an encrypted VPN tunnel to secure the communication.
For more information about GDPR, refer to the OneSpan Authentication Server General Data Protection Regulation Compliance Guide.