SOAP Connection Timeout Issues
  • 08 Jan 2025
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SOAP Connection Timeout Issues

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Résumé de l’article

The OneSpan Authentication Server SOAP communicator has two timeout settings:

  • Connection-Timeout. This defines (in seconds) how long the SOAP communicator should wait for a SOAP client to acknowledge that a connection has been established. When undefined, this is set to 90 seconds.
  • Connection-Idle-Timeout. This defines (in seconds) how long the SOAP communicator should wait for data on an idle socket before closing the connection. To disable the Connection-Idle-Timeout, set it to 0. If only one socket is open, the SOAP communicator will not close it for being idle. The Connection-Idle-Timeout setting will only be used whenever multiple SOAP communicator sockets are open. When undefined, this is set to 90 seconds.

If you are experiencing connection problems with the SOAP communicator, you can try to adjust the connection timeout values by modifying the OneSpan Authentication Server configuration file (i.e. identikeyconfig.xml).

The XML configuration file identikeyconfig.xml is located in the following folders:

/etc/vasco/ias (Linux)

%PROGRAMFILES%\VASCO\IDENTIKEY Authentication Server\bin (Windows)

The timeout settings are specified within the SoapCommunicator settings group.

  <Enabled type="bool" data="true"/>
  <Library-Path type="string" data="%PROGRAMFILES%\VASCO\IDENTIKEY Authentication Server\bin\ikcommsoap.dll"/>
  <DPX-Upload-Location type="string" data="%PROGRAMFILES%\VASCO\IDENTIKEY Authentication Server\dpx\"/>
  <Connection-Timeout type="unsigned" data="20"/> 
  <Connection-Idle-Timeout type="unsigned" data="5"/>
  <IP-Port type="unsigned" data="8888"/>

The values in this example configure the following behavior:

  • After attempting to establish a connection with a SOAP client, the SOAP communicator will fail the attempt if the SOAP client does not respond within 20 seconds.
  • If more than one SOAP communication sockets are open, any sockets that are idle for more than 5 seconds are closed (until only one SOAP communication socket remains).

Configuring the SOAP connection timeout values requires a restart of the OneSpan Authentication Server service (see OneSpan Authentication Server configuration).

SOAP client connection check

The Connection-Idle-Timeout setting of the SOAP communicator controls the time in which OneSpan Authentication Server should close an idle SOAP communication socket.

This connection, however, is not automatically closed on the SOAP client end. As such, the Administration Web Interface verifies if a connection is still open at the OneSpan Authentication Server end before using that connection. If the Administration Web Interface detects that the SOAP communicator has already closed that connection, the Administration Web Interface will do the following:

  1. Close the connection at the Administration Web Interface end.
  2. Open a new connection to the OneSpan Authentication Server SOAP communicator.

This behavior is controlled by the following setting:


With the default setting (true), the Administration Web Interface will perform the connection check. If the OneSpan Authentication Server SOAP communicator Connection-Idle-Timeout setting is set to zero (i.e. disabled), then you can configure the Administration Web Interface to skip the connection check by setting checkStaleConnections to false.

To configure Administration Web Interface settings via file

  1. Navigate to the Apache Tomcat installation directory (typically %PROGRAMFILES%\VASCO\IAS Web Administration\tomcat on Windows).
  2. Navigate to \webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes\.
  3. Edit the file accordingly.

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