SOAP EMV-CAP Authentication Wrappers
  • 06 Dec 2024
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SOAP EMV-CAP Authentication Wrappers

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Résumé de l’article

The EMV-CAP authentication component is used to validate smart card reader authentications. This component implements a failover system, which means that two SOAP servers can be defined in a configuration. If the primary server does not respond, an authentication attempt will be made with the second one. If the second server also fails to respond, the request is dismissed and the relevant error code is returned.

The object maps all commands defined in the OneSpan Authentication Server authentication WSDL file.

All object methods return high-level objects that wrap the server’s response. Those objects are subclasses of the IdentikeyResponse, which defines methods common to all objects. For a list of different methods defined by this class, see Overview of SOAP wrappers.

The authentication commands return an EmvCapAuthenticationCommandResponse object that wraps the server’s response.

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