- 17 Dec 2024
- 1 Minute à lire
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SOAP Handler
- Mis à jour le 17 Dec 2024
- 1 Minute à lire
- Impression
- SombreLumière
The SOAP wrapper maps all commands defined in the authentication and signature WSDL files.
The following handlers are defined:
Authentication handler
- Get 1-step challenge
- Authenticate user
- Cancel authenticate user
- Change PIN for Response-Only user
- Update the user’s static password
- Change the user's Active Directory static back-end password
- Get secure challenge
- Get prepared secure challenge
Signature handler
- Get signing request
- Authenticate signatures
- Generate virtual signature
The wrapper employs a failover system. As such, two SOAP servers can be defined in the configuration. If the primary server fails to respond, an attempt will be made with the second one. If the second one isn’t available either, the request is dismissed and the relevant error code is returned.
All object methods return high level objects that wrap the server’s response.
Object model
OneSpan Authentication Server entities (e.g. users, authenticators, authenticator application) are wrapped by business objects. The business objects are essentially containers for the entities’ properties and in order to be flexible and support future evolution, the properties of these objects are mapped to their WSDL enumeration value.
This permits building the object directly from the SOAP response without any further processing, as well as serializing the object directly to its SOAP equivalent, without any processing. These properties can be accessed using a specialized getter, e.g. getUserID(). To set these properties, use a specialized setter, e.g. setUserID(String userID).
Correlation ID
OneSpan Authentication Server Authentication SDK supports the use of a correlation ID, also known as the transit ID. This correlation ID contains a unique identifier value which is attached to requests and messages to designate a particular transaction or event. The interfaces of all commands listed in SOAP handler have been extended with an optional parameter of the HTTPHeaderParameters class to support the use of a correlation ID.