SOAP Provisioning Wrappers
  • 06 Dec 2024
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SOAP Provisioning Wrappers

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Résumé de l’article

The SOAP provisioning wrapper maps all commands defined in the OneSpan Authentication Server provisioning WSDL file in a class called .

The provisioning commands return a ProvisioningCommandResponse object that wraps the server’s response. For a list of different methods defined by this class, see Overview of SOAP wrappers.

Object model

In order to comply with the object-oriented aspect of the used programming language, the OneSpan Authentication Server Administration entity is wrapped by an object model. This object is essentially a container for the entities’ properties, since it has no logic.

These properties can be accessed using a specialized getter, e.g. getUserID(). To set these properties, use a specialized setter, e.g. setUserID(String userID).

Mobile Authenticator Studio4.0 provisioning


To provision Mobile Authenticator Studio 4.0 authenticators, the configuration file must be updated as described in the OneSpan Authentication Server SDK Programmer's Guide, Section "Mobile Authenticator Studio 4.0 configuration". In that case, the configuration file is used as the input to the Mobile Authenticator Studio Midlet Customization Tool.

After updating the required binaries, the SMS gateway needs to be updated to enable Mobile Authenticator Studio provisioning.

To enable distribution of the Mobile Authenticator Studio midlet, the Web.config file must be defined at the following location:



<setting name="SMS_Request_URL" serializeAs="String">
    SMS Gateway address:

    This must contain the following substitution strings:

    phone_id : mobile phone number
    sms_text : message text

    <value />

<setting name="SMS_Fail_Text" serializeAs="String">
    The text pattern used to match the SMS gateway server error response.
    <value />

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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