SOAP Signature Wrappers
  • 21 Jan 2025
  • 1 Minute à lire
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SOAP Signature Wrappers

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Résumé de l’article

The SOAP signature wrapper maps all commands defined in the OneSpan Authentication Server signature WSDL file in a class called SignatureHandler.

For the signature object, the IdentikeyResponse class is extended to a SignatureResponse class. For a list of different methods defined by this class, see Overview of SOAP wrappers.

SOAP authentication wrapper code samples for .NET: Response-only

The following code sample shows what you need to include in your webpage if you want to incorporate OneSpan Authentication Server signature functionality.

If you want to include other functionality, go to the sdk_install_dir/ASP.Net/src/IdentikeyAuthSampleSite/authentication folder and use the code from the files in there. All the file names identify the function of the code in the file.

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="signature.aspx.cs" Inherits="IdentikeySampleSite.authGroup.signature" %>
<asp:Content ID="Signature" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContentHolder" runat="server">
  String userID = Request["SIGNFLD_USERID"];
  String domain = Request["SIGNFLD_DOMAIN"];
  String signature = Request["SIGNFLD_SIGNATURE"];
  String[] fields = new String[8];
  fields[0] = Request["SIGNFLD_DATA_FIELD_1"];
  fields[1] = Request["SIGNFLD_DATA_FIELD_2"];
  fields[2] = Request["SIGNFLD_DATA_FIELD_3"];
  fields[3] = Request["SIGNFLD_DATA_FIELD_4"];
  fields[4] = Request["SIGNFLD_DATA_FIELD_5"];
  fields[5] = Request["SIGNFLD_DATA_FIELD_6"];
  fields[6] = Request["SIGNFLD_DATA_FIELD_7"];
  fields[7] = Request["SIGNFLD_DATA_FIELD_8"];
  Boolean rcc = (Boolean)"on".Equals(Request["SIGNFLD_REQUEST_CONFIRM_CODE"]);
  String deferredTime = Request["SIGNFLD_DEFERRED_DATETIME"];
  String deferredEvent = Request["SIGNFLD_DEFERRED_EVENT_VALUE"];

  // Execute the command
  results = executeSignature(domain, userID, signature, fields, deferredTime, deferredEvent, rcc);

  if (results.getReturnCode() == 0)
    <p>Signature verification succeeded</p>

This code comes from the file.

using IdentikeyWrapper.vasco.identikey.model;
using IdentikeyWrapper.vasco.identikey.signature;
namespace IdentikeySampleSite.authGroup
  public partial class signature : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected SignatureCommandResponse results;
    protected SignatureCommandResponse executeSignature(String domain, String userID, String signature, String[] fields, String deferredTime, String deferredEvent, Boolean reqConfCode)
      SignatureHandler handler = new SignatureHandler();
      List<String> datafields = new List<String>();
      foreach(String s in fields) datafields.Add(s);
      DateTime? dt = null;
      try {
        String[] format = { "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss" };
        dt = DateTime.ParseExact(deferredTime, format, null, DateTimeStyles.None);
      } catch (Exception) { }
      UInt32? de = null;
      try {
        de = Convert.ToUInt32(deferredEvent);
      } catch (Exception) { }
      Signature.RequestConfirmationCode rcc = reqConfCode ? Signature.RequestConfirmationCode.Required : Signature.RequestConfirmationCode.Optional;
      return handler.authSignature(domain, userID, signature, datafields, dt, de, rcc);

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