- 19 Dec 2024
- 2 Minutes à lire
- SombreLumière
syncTokenAndHost (Command)
- Mis à jour le 19 Dec 2024
- 2 Minutes à lire
- SombreLumière
Availability: OneSpan Authentication Server 3.22 and later
Scenario: Authentication (SSM, HSM)
The syncTokenAndHost command synchronizes the server time with the authenticator time, or the server event counter with the authenticator event counter. It supports MDL authenticator instances and hardware authenticators. The synchronization requires two consecutive authenticator responses. The authenticator responses must either be Response-Only or 1-step Challenge/Response. 2-step Challenge/Response is not supported.
The respective user account must not be expired or locked, user auto-unlock is not supported by this command. However, if the responses are invalid, the user lock count is increased and the user account can get locked!
Only one authenticator can be synchronized at a time, but all authenticator applications of the authenticator will be synchronized. The authenticator and the authenticator applications must be allowed by the effective policy and must not be expired.
Parameter name | Data type | Description |
componentType | String | Required. The component to use to serve this command. |
user | UserInput | Required. Specifies the user who owns the authenticator (see UserInput (Data type)). The user account must be active and must not be locked. |
credential | MultiCredentialInput | Required. The user credentials. |
UserInput (Data type)
Element name | Data type | Description |
userID | String | The user ID. |
domain | String | Optional. The user domain. |
MultiCredentialInput (Data type)
DigipassMultiCredentialInput (Data type)
SyncTokenAndHostResult (Data type)
Element name | Data type | Description |
user | UserOutput | The returned user information (see UserOutput (Data type)). |
credentials | CredentialOutput | The serial number of the used authenticator. |
UserOutput (Data type)
Element name | Data type | Description |
userID | String | The resolved user ID. |
domain | String | The user domain. |
orgUnit | String | Optional. The organizational unit of the user. |
CredentialOutput (Data type)
Element name | Data type | Description |
serialNumber | String | Optional. The serial number of the authenticator used for the operation. |
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:aut="http://www.vasco.com/IdentikeyServer/IdentikeyTypes/Authentication"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <aut:syncTokenAndHost> <componentType>Authentication Sample Client</componentType> <user> <userID>Jane Doe</userID> <domain>Master</domain> </user> <credential> <opt1> <response>123456</response> </otp1> <opt2> <response>654321</response> </otp2> <serialNumber>1234567890</serialNumber> </credential> </aut:syncTokenAndHost> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>