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Backup and restore


Table: Backup and Restore fields
Field nameDescription
Backup Encryption
Use Custom Encryption Pass Phrase

Select this option to provide a password for backups. All backups are encrypted and can be restored using the administrator's default credentials. However, with this option you can provide a different password specifically for restoring backups.

Backup encryption passwords are applied to both automated and scripted backups.

Custom Encryption Pass PhraseUse this field to supply a custom password to decrypt encrypted backups.
ConfirmConfirmation of the password.
Automatic Backups
ProtocolFor the backup server, the FTP and SFTP protocols are available. Select the checkbox of the relevant protocol to be used on the backup server. The fields to adjust the settings of the selected protocol are displayed after the protocol was selected.
FTP Authentication Settings
FTP serverThe FQDN or IP address of the FTP server.
FTP directoryThe directory of the FTP server in which to place the backup files.
UsernameThe FTP server user name
PasswordThe FTP server password
SFTP Authentication Settings
SFTP serverThe FQDN or IP address of the SFTP server
SSH Server RSA FingerprintEnter the address of the SSH server fingerprint manually; the fingerprint should be generated by the RSA algorithm. Alternatively, you can click Fetch Fingerprint (after the SFTP server has been filled in) to supply the SSH server RSA fingerprint.
SFTP directoryThe directory of the SFTP server in which to place the backup files.
Authentication Method
  • Public Key. Select this method to authenticate with the public key of the SFTP user.
  • Password. Select this option to authenticate with a user name / password pair.
UsernameThe SFTP server user name
Public KeyThe public key of OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance, which has to be downloaded for public key authentication when the public key authentication method is selected.
Generic settings
Test SettingsClick this link to test your configuration
ScheduleSet the desired schedule for the automatic backups.
Scripted Backups

Select this option to enable scripted backups. A scripted backup is intended for advanced administrators who prefer to use their own scripts to create OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance backups. The backups can only be retrieved via HTTPS (use wget in your backup scripts).

For more information, refer to the the OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance Installation and Maintenance Guide.

UsernameThe user who is allowed to take scripted backups.
PasswordThe password of the above user.
ConfirmConfirm the password
Allowed Networks

The networks from which the user may fetch OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance backups. Use the CIDR notation.

Test BackupClick this link to test the currently saved configuration. If you performed any recent configuration changes, save them before clicking the link.

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What's Next
Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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