  • 24 Feb 2025
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Résumé de l’article

A target defines where notifications will be sent to when a monitored event occurs. At least one target must be defined before you can add filters (see Filters). You can define as many targets as you like.

Table: System monitoring – Target settings
Field nameDescription
NameThe name will be used to specify the target when configuring filters.

The target type.

Possible values:

  • SNMP. An SNMP target will send notifications to an SNMP server.
  • SMS. An SMS target will send an SMS to a specified mobile number.
  • Email. An email target will send an email to a specified email address.
FromThe email address to use as sender.
ToThe email address to send the mail to.
SubjectThe email subject.
MobileThe mobile phone number to send the SMS to.
HostThe IP address of the SNMP host.
Message Type

The type of the SNMP Host.

Possible values:

  • INFORM. This type expects an acknowledgment and will resend the message until it gets a response.
  • TRAP. This is an SNMPv3 trap and is preferred.
  • TRAPv2c. SNMPv2c, which is also supported.
Security Name

The user name for SNMPv3, or the community name for SNMPv2c.

Authentication Type

The authentication protocol to be used. This protocol indicates whether or not messages sent or received on behalf of this user can be authenticated; and if so, which protocol to use.

Possible values:

  • None. Messages cannot be authenticated.
  • MD5
  • SHA
SecretThe secret key used by the authentication protocol for authenticating messages.
Privacy Type

The privacy protocol. This setting indicates whether messages sent on behalf of this user can be encrypted, and if so, which privacy protocol to use.

Possible values:

  • None
  • AES
  • DES
SecretThe secret key used by the privacy protocol for encrypting and decrypting messages.

The only invalid combination of authentication type and privacy type is None and None.

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