  • 23 Jan 2025
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OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance trace files contain debugging and troubleshooting information. The content can help OneSpan support engineers and experienced end-customers to troubleshoot specific issues.

Tracing tasks include the following:

Enabling and configuring log rotation configures automatic cleanup for OneSpan Authentication Server and Message Delivery Component (MDC) trace files. LDAP trace files are not deleted automatically and therefore need to be deleted manually.

Configuring tracing for OneSpan Authentication Server

OneSpan Authentication Server trace files provide information about OneSpan Authentication Server trace events and are available via the OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance Configuration Tool.

To configure tracing for OneSpan Authentication Server

  1. Launch the OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance Configuration Tool and enter your credentials (see  Accessing OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance Configuration Tool and OneSpan Authentication Server Administration Web Interface)..
  2. Select Authentication Server > Tracing Settings.

    Configuring tracing for OneSpan Authentication Server

    Figure: Configuring tracing for OneSpan Authentication Server

  3. Select the required trace level:

    • None disables tracing.
    • Basic or Full enable tracing with increasing detail levels.
    • Debug must only be used if instructed to do so by OneSpan customer support.
    • For more information about the different tracing levels, refer to the OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance Administrator Reference.
  4. (OPTIONAL) Enable log rotation by selecting Enable Log Rotation and configure log rotation settings.

    Log rotation specifies if and when new logs files are created, based on either the log file age or the log file size. For instance, if you select size and specify 50 MB, trace information will be stored in the file until a size of 50 MB is reached, after which a new file will be created. The number of archived log files specifies how many log files are kept at most, if required the oldest log file will be overridden.

  5. Click Save.

Configuring tracing for Message Delivery Component (MDC)

Message Delivery Component (MDC) trace files provide information related to Virtual Mobile Authenticator.

To configure tracing for Message Delivery Component (MDC)

  1. Launch the OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance Configuration Tool and enter your credentials (see  Accessing OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance Configuration Tool and OneSpan Authentication Server Administration Web Interface)..
  2. Select Authentication Server > Message Delivery Component.

    Configuring tracing for Message Delivery Component (MDC)

    Figure: Configuring tracing for Message Delivery Component (MDC)

  3. Select the required trace level:

    • None disables tracing.
    • Basic or Full enable tracing with increasing detail levels.
    • For more information about the different tracing levels, refer to the OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance Administrator Reference.
  4. (OPTIONAL) Enable log rotation by selecting Enable Log Rotation and configure log rotation settings.

    Log rotation specifies if and when new logs files are created, based on either the log file age or the log file size. For instance, If you select size and specify 50 MB, trace information will be stored in the file until a size of 50 MB is reached, after which a new file will be created. The number of archived log files specifies how many log files are kept at most, if required the oldest log file will be overridden.

    Select Compress Archived Logs to save disk space.

  5. Click Save.

Configuring tracing for LDAP User Synchronization

OneSpan Authentication Server trace files provide information about LDAP user synchronization trace events and are available via the OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance Configuration Tool.

To configure tracing for LDAP user synchronization

  1. Launch the OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance Configuration Tool and enter your credentials (see  Accessing OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance Configuration Tool and OneSpan Authentication Server Administration Web Interface).
  2. Select Authentication Server > LDAP User Synchronization.

    Configuring tracing for LDAP user synchronization

    Figure: Configuring tracing for LDAP user synchronization

  3. Select the required trace level:

    • None disables tracing.
    • Basic or Full enable tracing with increasing detail levels.
    • For more information about the different tracing levels, refer to the OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance Administrator Reference.
  4. Click Save.

LDAP user synchronization trace files cannot be rotated or automatically cleaned up. While tracing is enabled, all LDAP user synchronization records are stored to a single file on the hard disk.

Managing trace files

You can download and delete trace files using the OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance Configuration Tool.

To manage trace files

  1. Launch the OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance Configuration Tool and enter your credentials (see Accessing OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance Configuration Tool and OneSpan Authentication Server Administration Web Interface).
  2. Select Monitoring > Logfile Management.

    Managing trace files

    Figure: Managing trace files

  3. Click Trace Files to get a list of all available trace files for OneSpan Authentication Server, MDC, and LDAP user synchronization in the Trace Files pane below.
  4. Do one of the following:

    • If you want to download a trace file, click the disk icon.
    • If you want to delete a trace file, click the trash can icon.
    • Downloaded trace files can be viewed with a text editor.

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