Two-Step Activation Provisioning
- 10 Dec 2024
- 1 Minute à lire
- SombreLumière
Two-Step Activation Provisioning
- Mis à jour le 10 Dec 2024
- 1 Minute à lire
- SombreLumière
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To provision authenticators compliant with two-step activation, a new client component must be defined in OneSpan Authentication Server as defined in the website configuration file (
The definition of the client component properties is:
component.type.provisioning.mdl = Multi-Device Licensing Provisioning Sample Client
The required properties of the new client component are:
- IP address: IP address of the machine hosting the sample website
- Component Type: Multi-Device Licensing Provisioning Sample Client
- Policy: IDENTIKEY Provisioning for Multi-Device Licensing
If OneSpan Authentication Server is configured not to use a back-end server, the setting for Policy > Back-End Authentication in the IDENTIKEY Provisioning for Multi-Device Licensing policy should be set to None.
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