Typical Digipass Authentication Module setup
  • 03 Jan 2025
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Typical Digipass Authentication Module setup

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Résumé de l’article

OneSpan Authentication Server supports the following DAM products:

  • Citrix Storefront. Used for Digipass Authentication for Citrix StoreFront.
  • IIS Module. Used for Digipass Authentication for IIS Basic.
  • Microsoft ADFS. Used for Digipass Authentication for Microsoft ADFS.
  • Outlook Web Access. Used for Digipass Authentication for OWA Basic and Digipass Authentication for OWA Forms.
  • Windows Remote Desktop Web. Used for Digipass Authentication for Remote Desktop Web Access.

Before installing the DAM with OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance, you need to prepare the following:

  • An instance of OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance, which has already been installed. For more information, refer to the OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance Installation and Maintenance Guide.
  • The module software on the Citrix, OWA, IIS, or SBR server, which is available in the OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance delivery package.

Installing a DAM with OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance includes the following steps:

  1. Acquire a module license.
  2. Create a client component in the OneSpan Authentication Server Administration Web Interface.
  3. Install the DAM module on the Citrix , OWA, IIS, or SBR Server.

The OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance Authentication service must be enabled before a Digipass Authentication Module setup is configured. For more information about enabling the Authentication service, see  Manual settings in the Configuration Tool.

Setting up a Digipass Authentication Module

Creating a client component

An Administration Program client component must be created in OneSpan Authentication Server to allow a module client to create a client component in OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance.

To create a client component record (Digipass Authentication Module)

  1. Log on to the OneSpan Authentication Server Administration Web Interface (see  Accessing OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance Configuration Tool and OneSpan Authentication Server Administration Web Interface).
  2. Select CLIENTS > Register.
  3. Enter the required settings for the new client component:

    • Client Type: Administration Program
    • Location: The IP address of the server where the DAM component is installed.
    • Policy ID: The policy you want to use for this client component, e.g. Identikey Administration Logon.
    • Protocol ID: SOAP
    • Shared Secret: The shared secret used by the client component.
  4. Click CREATE.

This is a temporary administration program client component that can be deleted after the Digipass Authentication Module client has created a client component in the OneSpan Authentication Server Administration Web Interface.

Installing a Digipass Authentication Module

Install the required Digipass Authentication Module package. For detailed installation instructions, refer to the product documentation of the respective Digipass Authentication Module. The module software packages and documentation are provided in the OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance delivery package.

In the Installation Wizard, enter the values in the relevant fields (see Table: Field values for DAM installation), and upload the client license key for the relevant module.

Table:  Field values for DAM installation
Field nameValue
Authentication Server IP AddressIP address of your OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance instance.
PortKeep the default value.
Select the option to create the component record automatically, and enter user credentials for an administrative user.Default settings: the administrator user credentials that were provided during processing of the OneSpan Authentication Server Setup Wizard.

During installation a valid client component is created for module authentication, with a valid policy. Remove the temporarily created client component via the OneSpan Authentication Server Administration Web Interface.

To delete the temporary client component record

  1. Log on to the OneSpan Authentication Server Administration Web Interface (see  Accessing OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance Configuration Tool and OneSpan Authentication Server Administration Web Interface).
  2. Select CLIENTS > List.
  3. Select the checkbox for the client component of the type Administration Program that is using the SEAL protocol.
  4. Click DELETE.

Configuring policies and settings

During installation a new client component is created, for which the policy can be modified.

For more information about the possible policy settings, refer to the OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance Product Guide, Section "Policies".

Back-end authentication is always required, because of the nature of module setup. For more information, refer to the OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance Product Guide.

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