Update Offline Authentication Data
  • 28 Nov 2024
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Update Offline Authentication Data

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Résumé de l’article

Offline authentication data is required when you perform authentication with a one-time password (OTP) and no connection to the authentication server can be established. Offline authentication data is updated automatically during online authentication, but you can also update your offline authentication data via Digipass Authentication for Windows Logon Tray Agent.

Before you begin

To update offline authentication data you need:

  • Digipass Authentication for Windows Logon Tray Agent installed
  • online connection to OneSpan Authentication Server

Update offline authentication data

To update your offline authentication data

  1. Select Update Offline Authentication Data in the Digipass Authentication for Windows Logon Tray Agent shortcut menu to display the Update Offline Authentication Data dialog.

    Updating offline authentication data

  2. Generate a new one-time password (OTP) with your Digipass authenticator.
  3. Type the OTP credentials in the Password field.
  4. Click Update.

    Update remains disabled until you type the OTP credentials. The credentials are verified and, if valid, the offline authentication data is updated.

Additional considerations

  • In addition to the OTP, a server PIN may be required for authentication. You need to type the server PIN in the Password field, along with the OTP. The server PIN must precede the OTP, i.e. PINOTP. Whether a server PIN is required depends on the OneSpan Authentication Server configuration.
  • You can update your offline authentication data only if offline authentication data already exists on the machine. This means that you need to perform online authentication at least once before you can use or update offline authentication data.
  • Time-based offline authentication data is updated only if at least one minimum time window unit (i.e. a day) has passed from the existing offline authentication data.
  • Offline authentication must be enabled in the OneSpan Authentication Server configuration.

If you are the system administrator or OneSpan Authentication Server administrator:

  • You need to provide information about which credentials are required for authentication together with the Digipass authenticator, i.e. one-time password, server PIN, and/or static password.
  • You can configure Digipass Authentication for Windows Logon (via Digipass Authentication for Windows Logon Configuration Center or Group Policy) to display a notification when the offline authentication data is about to expire.

For more information, refer to the OneSpan Authentication Server Administrator Reference.

Cet article vous a-t-il été utile ?

Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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