updatePassword SOAP Response Structure
- 11 Dec 2024
- 1 Minute à lire
- SombreLumière
updatePassword SOAP Response Structure
- Mis à jour le 11 Dec 2024
- 1 Minute à lire
- SombreLumière
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An updatePassword SOAP response typically uses the following format:
<!-- ... Additional namespace declarations -->
The SOAP body element should only contain a getChallengeResponse element (line 9). The getChallengeResponse element always contains a results element, which in turn contains the following elements:
resultCodes (required). This element contains the following sub-elements:
- returnCode. The operation return code indicating the overall result of the request processing.
- statusCode. The operation status code indicating the reason for failure of any returnCode different from success (0).
- returnCodeEnum. The identifier corresponding to the returnCode.
- statusCodeEnum. The identifier corresponding to the statusCode.
- resultAttribute (required). This element contains zero or more attributes elements.
errorStack (required). Contains zero or more errors elements.
errors. Each errors element contains the following sub-elements:
- errorCode. The error code integer.
- errorDesc. A string representation of the error code.
For a complete list of possible error codes, see Error codes.
In this case, the resultAttribute element is used to refer to credential attributes elements.
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