User Account Settings
- 02 Jan 2025
- 1 Minute à lire
- SombreLumière
User Account Settings
- Mis à jour le 02 Jan 2025
- 1 Minute à lire
- SombreLumière
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User account settings that can be managed via the Administration Web Interface include:
- The user ID, the domain, and optionally an organizational unit the user is a member of. These properties are defined when the user account is created. Users can also be moved from one organizational unit to another or from one domain to another (see Moving user accounts and authenticators).
- The user account can be enabled, disabled, or locked.
- A static password can be enabled and set (see User account static password).
- Policy settings for local authentication or back-end authentication can be overridden on a user level.
- Authenticator records can be assigned to or unassigned from a user.
- User information, such as a user's mobile phone number for using Virtual Mobile Authenticator.
- User and RADIUS attributes, which may be returned to applications when requested (see User attributes).
- Administrative privileges can be assigned to a user account to allow administration (see Administrative privileges).
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